Across Wales, an increasing number of people have been referred for drug and alcohol addiction treatment in the last two years.

Should you find yourself searching for a drug and alcohol rehab in Glamorgan, we are on hand to assist you.

With our referral service, we have made the process of locating and attending a drug and alcohol rehab for treatment somewhat straightforward.

Irrespective of whether you are hoping to determine whether you require treatment, uncover the treatment available or gain an understanding of our referral process, we have provided all of the information you need to enable you to take advantage of the support offered by a drug and alcohol rehab in Glamorgan below.


Determining Whether Treatment Is Required For A Drug or Alcohol Addiction

Across Wales and the rest of the United Kingdom, drug and alcohol consumption is often perceived as harmless.  However, as large quantities of substances are consumed, drug and alcohol addictions are often unavoidable.

If you have begun to experience any of the short and long-term side effects that are frequently associated with drug and alcohol addictions, and experience any withdrawal symptoms, you must seek treatment from a drug and alcohol rehab in Glamorgan as soon as possible.

Likewise, if a friend, family member or employer has approached you and expressed that they are concerned about your health and well-being, it is in your best interest to secure treatment for an addiction.

To help you distinguish whether you have become addicted to drugs or alcohol, it may be worth asking yourself the following questions.

  • Do I rely on drugs or alcohol to help me keep my worries at bay?
  • Do I consume drugs or alcohol on a daily basis as a coping strategy?
  • Do I struggle to get through the day if I am unable to administer drugs or alcohol?
  • Do I experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and sickness if I go without drugs or alcohol for a short period of time?
  • Has a friend, family member, or employee expressed that they are concerned about my relationship with drugs or alcohol?

If you have said yes to any of the above questions, a drug or alcohol addiction may well be impairing your life.  With this in mind, securing treatment for a drug and alcohol addiction is advisable.


How Are Drug and Alcohol Addictions Treated At A Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Glamorgan?

Contrary to belief, drug and alcohol addictions require professional treatment if an individual struggling with an addiction is to make a long-term recovery.

The treatment offered by a drug and alcohol rehab in Glamorgan will significantly vary and depend entirely upon an individual’s personal circumstances.

Typically, drug and alcohol addictions are treated through the employment of detoxification, rehabilitation and aftercare support.

Combined, detoxification, rehabilitation and aftercare support will ensure that you have the best chance of making a long-term recovery.

Detoxification is a medically-induced process that ensures that any harmful toxins that have been administered throughout an addiction are removed from the brain and body.

Detoxification must be only administered under the care of medical professionals as withdrawal symptoms are likely to be experienced. Although withdrawal symptoms can cause an individual to feel somewhat uncomfortable, they will subside within a short time frame.

Upon successfully completing a detoxification programme, you will commence rehabilitation.  Rehabilitation consists of various types of psychological and behavioural therapies, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and art therapy.

The therapy you encounter at a drug and alcohol rehab in Glamorgan will depend entirely on the severity of your addiction and your addiction recovery goals.

As you progress through rehabilitation, your recovery will be continuously monitored.  When you are ready to leave rehab and resume your everyday life, you will be provided with aftercare support.

Although you may not believe that aftercare support is necessary, you must take advantage of it, especially within your first year of recovery.

Regrettably, failure to utilise aftercare support results in at least 50% of relapses within the first year of drug and alcohol addiction recovery.


The Admissions Process

The thought of sourcing and completing treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab can be daunting.  Many fear that the process itself will be complicated, which in turn prevents them from obtaining the lifesaving support they require.

To ensure that those struggling with drug and alcohol addictions can easily obtain treatment from a drug and alcohol rehab in Glamorgan, we have devised an effortless admissions process.

To guarantee that the treatment you are provided with at a drug and alcohol rehab in Glamorgan is bespoke to your personal addiction and recovery needs, we will conduct a pre-admission assessment when you initially contact us.

This assessment will be conducted over the telephone and will ensure that our admissions team has the opportunity to gain an understanding of the severity of your addiction.

Upon discussing the impact that your addiction has so far had on your life, the side effects you experience and the substance that you have become addicted to, our admissions team will take it upon themselves to locate and select a suitable treatment facility in Glamorgan.

As a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Glamorgan is located, we will contact you to discuss the centre with you and ensure that you are happy to commence treatment.

If you are, we will place a reservation on your behalf and provide you with a suitable admission date.

As you enter your chosen drug and alcohol rehab in Glamorgan, a further assessment will be conducted to ensure that your personalised treatment programme can be devised.


Contact Addiction Advocates To Secure The Treatment You Need Today

If you are ready to overcome your addiction once and for all, contact us today by calling 0800 012 6088.  Alternatively, email




  • [1] Detoxification -
  • [2] relapses within the first year of drug and alcohol addiction -