Breaking free of an addiction without expert help is difficult. However, with drug and alcohol rehab treatments that are tailored to your individual needs, it is more than possible.
If you have found yourself being taken over by an addiction, it is best to find the help that you require as soon as possible.
If left unchecked, an addiction can take over your life in a matter of weeks and make a serious impact on finances, work, health and your relationships.
If you’re from Alfreton and feel that you are not in control of an addiction, why not call Addiction Advocates for advice?
Please call us today on 0800 012 6088 or text HELP to 83222 for a no obligation chat about your drug and alcohol consumption and to talk to us about our rehabilitation programmes.
We can also provide support if you are experiencing difficulties with mental health and depression as well as anxiety.
Choosing the Right Rehabilitation Centre in Alfreton
If you require professional intervention for a drug addiction, an alcohol addiction, or a gambling addiction, you do have choices as to how to seek the help you require.
You can approach local charities in Alfreton for their assistance or you can request treatment via the NHS. However, there are limitations and drawbacks to the services that will be provided.
The programmes that you will be offered by the NHS are subject to months long waiting lists. This is a result of a decade of government cuts that have significantly hampered the NHS’ ability to provide timely addiction treatment.
In the time you are on a waiting list, there is a real chance that your addiction might deepen, and your situation worsen.
Additionally, you will be treated on an outpatient basis, which means you are discharged from your treatment on an evening and over the weekend.
This is a very disruptive approach to treatment and will not allow your detoxification to be performed optimally.
Private drug and alcohol rehab is not the cheapest solution available, but we can work with you in order to create an appropriate treatment plan within your budget and there is no waiting list for our services – Addiction Advocates can provide you with treatment without any delay.
We are proud to provide the best evidence based and scientific treatment in the Alfreton area and we also encourage you to engage in a more holistic approach, such as exercise and yoga classes.
You will be afforded the dignity to recover in the private and secure surroundings of our residential rehab and with a 28-day commitment to a stay with us, you will receive the drug rehab and alcohol rehab that you need to begin your path to recovery.
Whilst the best part of a month is an initially intimidating thought, it allows you to focus solely on your journey to sobriety without the stresses of everyday life lurking in the background.
You’ll be able to avoid bad influences, whether that be places or people, that might cause you to abuse drugs or alcohol and will have around the clock care.
This would likely not be the case when you’re treated in an outpatient environment, where you’ll need to juggle the requirements of your normal life.
The Importance of Detoxification
Detox is the process of removing all traces of drugs and alcohol from your body. It is as much a physical aspect of recovery as it is psychological and is an uncomfortable and difficult part of drug rehab and alcohol rehab.
During a period of substance abuse, the brain and body will make adjustments and grow a dependency on the chemicals that the brain secretes as a result of drug and alcohol misuse.
When these substances are suddenly removed, your system will experience both physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. These can range from mild to severe.
Examples of withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, hallucinations and vivid nightmares, sweating, tremors, insomnia, anxiety, and depression.
Although it’s widely accessible and legal to drink, alcohol withdrawal symptoms are often worse than other substances.
Heroin and other opioids, as well as some prescription drugs, do also lead to severe physical withdrawal symptoms whereas cocaine withdrawal symptoms are predominantly psychological.
Withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous and are difficult to experience. That’s why performing a detox without medical assistance is not recommended.
With Addiction Advocates, you will experience a medically assisted detox in our comfortable rehab clinic and your progress and safety will be monitored 24 hours a day.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatments
Following the completion of a period of detox, you will then focus on the rest of your rehab programme. This will involve a variety of different treatment options and therapies with the intention of overcoming the psychological side of your addiction.
Our treatment involves talking therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), one on one therapy, counselling, and group therapy sessions.
This treatment will allow you to explore the root causes of your addiction and how you have reached that point. CBT is especially important in allowing you to examine, reflect upon and change your behaviours. We will also dual diagnose any underlying mental health conditions we identify in this process – and it is common for this to happen.
You will also be invited to attend workshops that will help you to live a healthier lifestyle in the future. These sessions will help you with areas such as exercise, healthy eating and nutrition.
A consideration of these lifestyle changes will allow you to repair aspects of damage that may have been caused due to a prolonged period of substance abuse.
Making changes and leading a healthier life should also prevent you from falling back into old habits once your treatment has been completed. Other therapies we offer include meditation, mindfulness and art and music therapy.
Immediate Admission at Addiction Advocates
When your treatment has been completed, we will draw up an aftercare plan with you in order to help you with relapse prevention during the difficult 12 months post rehab.
If you have any questions or concerns, or want to move forward with treatment, please contact Addiction Advocates without delay.
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