Drug and alcohol addiction is a serious problem throughout the UK and London is certainly no exception.
If you are struggling with these issues, drug and alcohol rehab in Archway could be what you need to take back control of your life and move forward into a more positive future.
Contact us today if you are worried about your own drinking or drug use. We also offer friend and family referrals and can offer free, confidential advice if you are worried about a family member or other person close to you.
Get In Touch
Are you suffering from Addiction and need help? Addiction Advocates are leading UK based experts in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today.
The Signs of Drug and Alcohol Addiction
The reason third-party referrals and measures such as a drug or alcohol intervention are sometimes required is that addiction often goes hand in hand with secrecy and denial. This can extend to self-deception and many people struggling with these issues will be in denial about the extent of their problems.
Drug and alcohol abuse can easily lead to addiction, although the process will often happen gradually. The following list is not exhaustive but if any of the following apply to you, it might be time to consider looking for professional help:
- Increased tolerance – needing more and more for the same effect
- Withdrawal symptoms – feeling negative effects if you do not have drugs or alcohol
- Continuing to drink or use drugs despite negative consequences
- Feeling anxious at the thought of not having drugs or alcohol
- Repeatedly trying and failing to cut back
Some signs that a loved one may need help could include:
- Noticing increased consumption
- Secrecy and defensiveness regarding drinking or drug use
- Change in social groups
- Avoiding situations where they can’t drink or take drugs
- Neglecting work, family and other obligations
- Neglecting their own appearance and hygiene
- Constant low-level illnesses
How to find Addiction Treatment in Archway
Addiction changes the way your brain works, affecting areas including responses to reward and pleasure and compulsion control. One of the defining factors of addiction is that you will experience a strong compulsion to continue even when you know there will be negative consequences.
All this makes it very difficult to quit on your own but addiction can be successfully treated and private drug and alcohol rehabilitation is a proven way of delivering effective addiction treatment packages in a secure environment.
The Pros and Cons of Inpatient Rehab
With inpatient drug and alcohol rehab you will be in the best possible place to face up to your addiction – a safe and secure environment staffed by trained professionals and experts in the field of addiction recovery.
You will be away from your regular life with its usual stresses and also the people, places and situations associated with your usual drinking and drug use. You will participate in a tailored addiction treatment programme and will be surrounded by people going through their own recovery journeys.
The drug or alcohol detox will be supervised and you will have access to round the clock support and medical assistance where required.
Set against this you will have to take time out from your normal life and the new routine of rehab can take some getting used to. There is also a cost involved, although it’s worth remembering that the overall costs of leaving an addiction untreated can actually be far higher.
Addiction Treatment and Therapy Options
Rehab usually begins with a period of drug and alcohol detox as you process the drugs and alcohol from your system. This is usually accompanied by intense cravings and unpleasant physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms, which can often be severe. The process is difficult and potentially dangerous and so is best tackled in a detox clinic under medical supervision.
You will also undergo a range of therapy treatments, which may include psychotherapy techniques like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as well as group therapy, counselling and well-being therapies such as mindfulness and meditation.
The overall aim is to equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to understand your addiction and to develop coping strategies and techniques that can help you to avoid relapsing once you leave.
Some rehabs might also include mental health treatments for some conditions such as depression and anxiety. When these co-exist with an addiction they can interact in a number of ways and can sometimes be addressed with dual diagnosis treatments.
Tailored Aftercare Programmes
A tailored aftercare programme can be a vital part of relapse prevention. Most recovering addicts continue to have challenging days or longer prolonged periods and having access to support groups and professionals can be invaluable in helping you to resist the pull of bad old habits.
Frequently Asked Questions
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