Yet, the number of people admitting themselves to a drug and alcohol rehab in Arun continues to decrease.
Should you find that you have become addicted to substances such as alcohol, heroin, cannabis, cocaine or even prescription drugs, you must secure treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Arun as soon as possible.
If you consume drugs or alcohol but are unsure whether you need to attend a drug and alcohol rehab in Arun, we have shared a wealth of information with you below that we hope will help you.
Determining Whether Treatment For An Addiction Is Necessary
Do you consume large quantities of drugs or alcohol on a daily basis? Have you become reliant on substances? Do you experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and nausea when you cannot administer drugs or alcohol? Has a loved one or friend expressed that they are concerned about your health and well-being?
If you have said yes to any of the above questions, addiction treatment may well be necessary.
When determining whether treatment for an addiction is necessary, various factors must be considered.
For example, the physical and psychological symptoms you have come to encounter must be reviewed as they will determine the consequences that substance consumption has had on your health and well-being.
The amount of drugs or alcohol consumed must also be considered, as should the frequency in which drugs or alcohol are used.
To help you determine whether treatment for an addiction is necessary, we have outlined the symptoms you will come to experience if an addiction is impairing your life below.
Physical Symptoms Associated With An Addiction
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Irritability
- Weight loss
- Pale skin
- Discoloured skin
- Bloodshot eyes
- Poor coordination
- Slurred speech
- Digestive problems
Psychological Symptoms Associated With An Addiction
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Hallucinations
- Intense cravings
- Restlessness
If you experience just one of the symptoms noted above, you must reach out for addiction treatment as soon as possible. Failure to do so could result in long-term and irreversible physical and psychological illnesses.
Could You Benefit From Attending A Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Arun?
If you find yourself searching for a drug and alcohol rehab in Arun, you will likely have come to realise that a drug or alcohol addiction is impairing the quality of your life.
However, even if you recognise the symptoms noted above, you may question whether you would benefit from attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Arun. You may even be unsure of whether you need to seek addiction treatment.
To determine whether you could benefit from attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Arun, it is in your best interest to contact us today. In doing so, we can discuss your relationship with substances to determine whether treatment is required.
If we believe that you require addiction treatment, we will inform you of the various drug and alcohol rehabs in Arun. We will even help you choose a rehab and refer you for treatment.
Although we understand that taking the first step in addressing an addiction is difficult, we are here to support you at Addiction Advocates.
Personalised Treatment Programmes In Arun
When you attend a drug and alcohol rehab in Arun, you will find that you receive a personalised treatment programme.
Catered specifically to your addiction and recovery needs, your personalised treatment programme will outline the various types of treatment you will undergo throughout your time in rehab.
Understanding that you will feel somewhat apprehensive about approaching a drug and alcohol rehab in Arun, or ourselves, to discuss your addiction before reviewing the treatment you may be offered, we have shared several commonly administered treatments with you below.
As you commence treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Arun, the first stage of your personalised programme will see you complete a medically induced detoxification.
Detoxification will provide your brain and body with the opportunity to recover from substance abuse by flushing harmful toxins out of your system. In doing so, you will begin to withdraw from the substances you have sadly found yourself addicted to.
During detoxification, it is entirely normal to encounter withdrawal symptoms. If you experience withdrawal symptoms and find it difficult to cope with them, medication can be provided to ensure that you remain comfortable at all times.
Having completed a detoxification programme, you will move onto rehabilitation. The second stage of all drug and alcohol treatment programmes, rehabilitation will see you participate in one-to-one and group therapy.
Although the therapy you encounter will depend on your psychological state, you may experience psychological therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy. You may also be introduced to well-being therapies such as yoga, mindfulness and meditation.
In addition to participating in one-to-one therapy, you will find that you are encouraged to take part in group therapy. Group therapy will provide you with a more significant amount of support. You will also gain insight into other individual’s recovery.
Aftercare Support
Following your time in a drug and alcohol rehab in Arun, you will be provided with 12-months of aftercare support. This aftercare support will ensure that you have the tools, support and guidance you need to continue your recovery as you return home.
Please bear in mind that although the treatments above are commonly administered, the treatment you receive may differ.
If you would like to find out more about the treatment you are likely to undergo, please call us directly. In doing so, we can offer our advice and recommendations based on the severity of your addiction and the symptoms you experience.
Contact Us Today To Take The First Step In Overcoming Your Addiction
Should you find yourself ready to take the first step in overcoming and addressing your addiction, please do not hesitate to contact us today.
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