Are you currently struggling with an addiction to alcohol or drugs In the Bassetlaw area? If so, it’s important to reach out as soon as possible for professional addiction treatment. NO matter how mild or severe your addiction may seem to you, there is always help available for all types and levels of addiction.
Get In Touch
Are you suffering from Addiction and need help? Addiction Advocates are leading UK based experts in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today.
The sooner you reach out for help with your addiction, the easier it will be for you to make a full recovery and go on to live a sober life. However, you must be fully motivated in order to successfully recover from your addiction. Addiction recovery isn’t easy, but with the right help and the right level of motivation, it is very possible.
If you are interested in finding out more about addiction recovery and how we may be able to help you on your recovery journey, get in touch with us today for some confidential advice.
What Help is On Offer In Bassetlaw For Drug and Alcohol Addiction?
You may be wondering what alcohol and drug services may be available to you in Bassetlaw. Luckily, there are many options available to you and you can very easily access treatment that is suitable for you are your addiction.
Some people opt for outpatient services. This is where you will remain at home and will attend sessions in the day for one to one or group therapies. Although this type of treatment can be quite helpful in mild addictions, it is not recommended for those with severe addictions as it can be very easy to relapse with this type of treatment.
The best rehab treatment option you can choose is inpatient rehab. This is where you will reside at the treatment centre and go through a full addiction recovery journey within the rehab setting. The most common timescales for this type of treatment is around 28 days. However, some people may need to stay longer if the staff think it would be beneficial.
In inpatient rehab, you will be supported by medically trained professionals, therapists, counsellors, and addiction specialists. They will all work with you to help you detox from the substance you’re addicted to and learn new behaviours and thought processes that will help you with remaining sober and avoiding relapsing in the future.
What Causes Addictions?
People often turn to alcohol or drugs as they are looking to achieve some kind of effect from them. These effects may seem quite pleasurable in the short term and may provide a rewarding feeling. However, people can very quickly become hooked on this rewarding feeling and, as your body becomes more and more used to the substance, you will need to start consuming more and more of it to get the same effects. This is how the cycle starts.
The pleasurable effects can quickly reduce but your body will be dependent on the substance to a point where you experience a range of negative withdrawal effects when you stop taking it. This will the result in you wanting to take more of the substance again to get rid of those horrible withdrawal symptoms. With this in mind, the cycle will continue and continue until you detox from the substance and manage the withdrawals.
The cycle may start very quickly or could take many years depending on you as a person and the substance that you’re addicted to. No addict is the same and so, in rehab, you will receive a personalised treatment plan which is designed to suit you specifically and offer you the best chances of making a full and complete recovery from the substance that you’re addicted to.
How to Know If Rehab is Right For You
Many people live in denial or simply say that they are waiting for the right time to seek treatment from a rehab centre. This often indicates that the person doesn’t want to stop using the substance. While part of them may want to quit, another part of them may want to continue taking drugs or drinking alcohol. This may be for several different reasons.
A lot of the time, people will use drugs or alcohol as a way of coping with life’s every day stresses. The idea of removing this coping mechanism can seem very daunting and frightening to some addicts. They may also have a fear of not knowing what else they can do to get through their life.
Many people will have mixed feelings about rehab and recovery and that is completely normal. In rehab, the priority is that the addict wants to quite. If you do want to quit, there will never be a right time as the right time is always right now. Rehab and recovery will always be challenging, no matter when you seek treatment. However, the sooner you reach out for help, the better as it can become more and more difficult to recover the more severe your addiction is.
The most important thing when you attend rehab is that you are honest. You must be honest with yourself and honest with the staff. It is also important to maintain motivation and participate in your therapy sessions with the right attitude. Willingness and determination are important aspects of a successful recovery from drug and alcohol addictions.
How Do You Know If There Are Treatments to Suit You?
When you attend rehab, there will be many options available and your treatment plan will be designed to suit your specific needs. With this in mind, no matter who is attending rehab, the treatment will always be right as it is based off your particular circumstances.
You will undergo a pre-assessment which aims to find out everything needed to create the perfect treatment plan to suit your needs. The staff will find out about your history, your personality, your type of addiction, your current physical and mental health, and the severity of your addiction. All of this information will help them to ensure your rehab treatment plan offers you the best possible chances of success.
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