There are hundreds of thousands of people across Great Britain living with an untreated cocaine addiction, drug addiction or alcohol addiction, alongside underlying mental health conditions, as they are not aware, they are unable to control their consumption.
These same people do not know that there are options available to them, that they can access treatment and that treatment is available within their budget.
Choosing the correct drug and alcohol rehab is essential for your long-term recovery. If you choose Addiction Advocates, you will be making an enormous step in the right direction.
Our rehab centres are state-of-the-art and comfortable, and we employ the very best nurses, doctors and addiction specialists in order to help you to take control of your addiction.
If you have been searching the internet for “rehab UK” or “rehab near me” then our rehabilitation centre in Breckland may be of interest to you.
Our clinic in Breckland has helped thousands of people to overcome an addiction with drug rehab and alcohol rehab available to all who need help. Many people working within our clinic are themselves recovering addicts and bring their own experience to your recovery.
Our treatment is bespoke, and no two clients will receive the same experience with us. We pride ourselves on getting to know you as an individual and altering existing treatment plans to ensure you get the experience that is best for you and your recovery.
The Benefits of Private Residential Rehab
There are many benefits to residential rehab. There is no wait to receive treatment at our rehab centre in Breckland, you can be admitted immediately. You will receive a personalised detoxification, treatment plan and aftercare that allows you to receive the best care for you.
At Addiction Advocates, you will have access to the best counsellors, medical staff and clinicians for treatment that will consider both your physical and mental health.
If we identify any co-occurring mental health issues, which is common for those experiencing a drug addiction or an alcohol addiction, we will treat both your addiction and mental health issue.
We are proud to offer some more alternative and holistic approaches to treatment and therapies that help you to relax and that will ultimately improve the outcome of your treatment.
Residential rehab allows you to take a step back from the rigours of your everyday life and with a 28-day commitment to our programme, you can recover in the comfort and safety of our rehab clinic.
There are other solutions in the Breckland area. You can access NHS treatments, but this has downsides. Owing to unprecedented government cutbacks to addiction services since 2010, waiting lists are long and are offered on an outpatient basis.
This approach works for some but many others find themselves more vulnerable to suffering from a relapse if they are able to visit places or people that might cause them to abuse drugs or alcohol.
You will also receive no personalised care and you will be given a treatment programme that is one size fits all – whilst this may be suitable for some people, it will not be for others. You will also not receive any treatment for underlying mental health conditions, which increases the chances of a relapse.
Why not contact us today to discuss your requirements and budget for immediate treatment with Addiction Advocates?
Detoxification and Rehab in Breckland
Detox is an important part of your rehabilitation. The majority of people who are undergoing drug rehab or a dedicated alcohol rehab programme begin with a spell in the detox clinic.
There is no set timeline for this, and your detox can last anything ranging from a few days to two weeks depending on the severity of your dependency on drugs or alcohol.
The procedure of detoxification is designed to free your body of the toxins that are caused by addiction. Our staff will monitor your health and progress 24 hours a day and will gradually taper away from your consumption of the substance you’ve grown dependent on.
This is a gradual process in order to avoid a significant shock to your system. By reducing the amounts gradually, your body can adjust to reduced consumption before attempts to completely cut access are made.
This is not as easy as it sounds. Your body and brain will react to not being given the substances that they crave. This will manifest itself in the form of withdrawal symptoms.
Some of these are relatively mild, like tremors, some can be very serious if not monitored carefully, like excessive sweating.
This is the most difficult part of your treatment and must be completed before you can turn your attention elsewhere. But with our support, you will break your drug addiction or alcohol addiction.
Therapies and Aftercare
When your detox has been successfully navigated, you will begin your therapies. These sessions are conducted, mostly by talking therapies like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and on both a group and individual basis.
Individual therapies allow you to focus on your behaviours and how to change them moving forwards. You will consider why you became addicted in the first place, and how to change your attitude towards addiction in the future.
Group sessions allow you to share your experience with other people who have been undergoing the same process as you.
Before you leave our care, we will develop an aftercare plan in conjunction with you to bring together everything you’ve experienced and learned and make sure you are ready to return to your life in Breckland a changed person.
You will have 12 months of ongoing support via local support groups, a helpline and ongoing follow up sessions – you will not be alone at any time and your recovery is still our concern.
Why not contact Addiction Advocates today to discuss your relationship with drugs and alcohol, and how we can help you?
You can contact us via 0800 012 6088 or text HELP to 83222 and we are available to help you to regain control of your life without delay.
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