If you are struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction in Egham, the team at Addiction Advocates can help you – call us on 0800 012 6088 to start your addiction treatment today. Our facilities offer state-of-the-art drug and alcohol detox, therapies and treatments, and offer one year of free aftercare so you can continue your recovery.
Are you struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol in the Egham area? If so, it’s important that you realise that you are not alone. There are people all over the world who are struggling with addictions in the same way that you are.
Addictions can happen to people from all walks of life at any time and there is no shame in admitting that you are struggling with substance abuse.
People with an addiction will feel a compulsory desire to keep using a substance or engage with substances in a certain way. This repeated abuse of substances can become an addiction and this may then lead to issues with relationships, work, school, and more.
When someone is addicted to a substance, this becomes their primary focus in life and usually comes with a lot of damaging consequences. The longer you avoid seeking professional treatment for your addiction at a drug or alcohol rehab, the worse it will become. Addictions should be treated like any other chronic illness as it requires a lot of work to overcome and medical attention.
If you are interested in finding out more about rehab treatments or if you are ready to take that all-important first step into recovery, get in touch with us today. We are here to help you get started with your recovery so that you can go on to live a happy and healthy sober lifestyle moving forward.
Why Should I Go To Residential Rehab?
There are so many reasons why choosing the right rehab for you in Egham is important. One of the main reasons for this is that it can be extremely difficult and even sometimes dangerous to try to quit your substance abuse on your own at home without the help of professionals.
Every year, there are thousands of people who are suffering from addictions that will try to detox on their own at home. Many addicts will convince themselves that they have some element of control and that they can overcome their addictions themselves.
However, the sad truth is that many of these addicts end up relapsing down the line. This can sometimes make them fall even further into the cycle of substance abuse as a result. The more times you relapse, the more difficult it is to overcome the addiction.
Being alone during your drug or alcohol detox can be very challenging and unpredictable. It can sometimes even be dangerous if you try to withdraw from drugs or alcohol suddenly. Although you may be determined to do it at first, the withdrawal symptoms can make you feel at your lowest and you will struggle with trying to stay away from substances to help deal with the uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.
When you detox in rehab, you will be surrounded by a team of medical professionals. These professionals will constantly monitor your progress and may prescribe medication that can help you get through the worst of your withdrawal symptoms. Falling off the wagon is never a danger in alcohol and drug rehab and you will constantly be made to feel as safe and comfortable as possible.
What’s more is that, in rehab, you will then go through a range of treatments and therapies that you wouldn’t have access to at home. You will learn the root cause of your addiction and will learn ways to change your behaviours.
You will also learn how to develop new coping mechanisms and ways to prevent relapsing in the future. This means that when you leave the rehab centre, you are armed with everything you need to stay sober.
Why You Shouldn’t Delay Your Rehab Treatment
If you are struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, it’s very important to seek professional help as soon as possible. Addictions will only get worse over time as you will start to build up a tolerance to whatever substance you are abusing. You will also find that the psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms will get worse over time.
Addiction is a disorder that affects the chemistry in your brain. This can make it very difficult for you to fight the urge to abuse substances. The longer you leave an addiction untreated, the more difficult it will be for you to break free from the cycle. It’s so important to seek professional help as soon as possible.
It is never too late to regain control of your life. Many addicts can even break out of addiction cycles after decades of substance abuse. This is the beauty of professional help for addictions. No matter how severe your addiction may be and how helpless your situation may feel, there is a treatment out there that can help you.
Another reason why you should seek professional help as quickly as possible is that your drug taking or drinking may be doing some untold damage in the meantime. Addictions can have very serious effects on your physical and mental health and can lead to a wide range of diseases and conditions. Some of these may even shorten your life.
Plus, there is also the possibility of death all of sudden due to things such as alcohol poisoning or drug overdoses. Similarly, you may suffer from a related condition that is triggered by your substance abuse or you could find yourself in a lethal accident due to being drunk or having drug impairments.
In addition to the reasons listed above, your addiction can also cause problems in many areas of your life. This can include problems in your relationships, problems in your home life, problems with your career, and financial issues.
Some addicts may also have trouble with the law and in some severe cases, addicts may become homeless if the addiction has completely taken over their life. This is why it is important to go to rehab and undergo an alcohol or drug detox as soon as possible.
Start Recovery Today
As you can see, it makes a lot of sense to reach out for help with your addiction as soon as possible.
With this in mind, get in touch with us today to find out more about how you can get immediate treatment for your addiction. You can call on 0800 012 6088, text HELP to 83222 or email info@addictionadvocates.com.
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