Are you based in the Felixstowe area and struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol? If so, we are here to help you. Living with an addiction can be extremely difficult and isolating. Sometimes, it can make you feel extremely hopeless and lonely.
The good news is that when you reach out for our help, you will find that things start to become much easier. Drug and alcohol rehab can be very challenging, particularly in the beginning. However, you will be surrounded by a team of professionals and it is their sole job to be there to support you throughout. The members of staff in rehab will help to keep you comfortable, safe, and motivated throughout your entire recovery journey.
Why not take that first step towards a life of sobriety today and give us a call on 0800 012 6088. We have dedicated staff members who are on hand to take your call and answer any questions that you have about alcohol and drug rehab and recovering from addictions. The staff are happy to provide you with free, confidential advice whenever you need it. So, pick up the phone today and take that all-important first step towards a happier and healthier life where you are not dependent on drugs or alcohol.
How Do I Know If I Am Ready For Rehab?
Only you will know when you are ready for alcohol and/or drug rehab. No one else is experiencing your journey with you and nobody else will know how you are feeling about addiction treatment. This is a very personal decision that you must make for yourself.
Chances are, if you are here reading this today, you are already on your way to being ready for addiction treatment in rehab. Even when you are just considering getting professional help, this is a very good sign as some addicts don’t want to be pulled away from their life of drug and alcohol abuse.
A simple conversation with us could help you to decide whether you are ready for treatment and whether rehab would be right for you at the moment. We will ask you to consider whether you are willing to give up substances completely to go on to live an entirely sober lifestyle.
This may involve some initial struggles and challenges. However, you will be leaving the damaging effects of substances in the past. This can involve removing yourself from problems with relationships, health, the law, and employment.
Even if you are not ready for rehab just yet, we can provide you with some general advice on how to handle your addiction going forward. When you eventually do decide that you are ready to accept professional help, you can then get back in touch with us to start your recovery journey.
How Does Rehab Work In Felixstowe?
In rehab, addicts are treated on a group basis or a one-to-one basis. Every addict receives a customised treatment plan that is designed to address their specific needs. A certified psychiatrist will usually carry out an initial psychiatric evaluation to determine which treatments would suit you best. The rehab treatment plan will involve a team of mental health and addiction specialist. Plus, you will also be treated by medical staff, holistic staff, and wellness specialists.
In the UK, you have two main choices for rehab treatments. These are inpatient treatments and outpatient treatments. Inpatient rehab is rarely funded by the NHS. However, there are various outpatient options on the NHS throughout Felixstowe and these may be on a GP referral or a self-referral.
Inpatient rehab provides a lot of benefits over outpatient treatments. Going through your treatments in a rehab setting can allow the addict to completely break free from substance abuse in a comfortable, safe, and enclosed environment. This can be extremely helpful during drug and alcohol detox as you are away from your usual triggers and temptations.
Aftercare When You Leave the Rehab Centre
When you leave the rehab setting, you will go through an aftercare programme. The aftercare team will work closely with you to ensure that you are completely supported during your transition from the rehab centre to home.
It is important that you have a structured aftercare plan in place to continue your recovery when you return home. With us, you will receive 12 months of free aftercare once you’ve completed your inpatient treatment programme.
It is likely that you will have already gone through your alcohol or drug detoxification as a part of your rehab programme in the centre. This is followed by a range of well-being and psychological therapies. We will always provide you with high-quality care and support throughout your recovery journey with us.
We will provide you with the skills and tools needed to avoid relapsing in the future. Additionally, we will give you all of the necessary tools that you can use to educate your friends and family on how they can support you and help you with relapse prevention when you leave the rehab centre. You can then take this knowledge and apply it to your everyday life at home.
If you struggle with the transition between rehab and returning home or if you have trouble applying your new behaviours to your home life, we offer additional relapse prevention sessions, cognitive behavioural therapy, or counselling if needed. Also, we can support you with finding local support groups and 12-step meetings that may provide the supporting net you need to help you with your ongoing recovery.
Get the Help You Need Today
If you are struggling with addiction in the Felixstowe area, it’s important to reach out for help as soon as possible and contact us. Our team of addiction specialists are on hand at any time to answer your call and provide you with much-needed advice on how to move forward.
We will also help you by answering any questions you may have about rehab, treatment options, or addiction recovery and we can help to get you started on your journey towards a substance-free lifestyle. Give us a call on 0800 012 6088.
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