Regardless of your location, there are a plethora of NHS and private drug and alcohol rehabs in Flintshire that can provide you with treatment that could essentially save your life.
If you are yet to secure treatment, we can assist you. At Addiction Advocates, we offer a self-referral service to individuals who find their lives controlled by substance addictions.
Addictions Have Negative Consequences On The Lives Of Millions Of People
Across the United Kingdom, it is estimated that 9% of men and 3% of women are dependent on alcohol.
Sadly, as the number of people becoming dependent on drugs and alcohol continues to increase, the number of people developing life-threatening illnesses do too.
In the last year alone, more than 338 thousand people were admitted to hospital due to alcohol-related illnesses and accidents. Drug misuse saw an additional 16,994 hospital admissions made.
Although treatment is available for those that require hospitalisation, it should be noted that over time, health conditions that arise as a result of drug and alcohol misuse become untreatable.
Unfortunately, this means that without treatment, those struggling with addictions are at greater risk of suffering from irreversible health conditions for the remainder of their life.
Why Attend A Drug and Alcohol Rehab In Flintshire?
Irrespective of whether you have developed a drug or alcohol addiction, attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Flintshire will enable you to recover from the ramifications your addiction has so far had on your life.
Attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Flintshire will also ensure that you can understand and process the factors that have caused your addiction to arise.
Yet, like many others, you may think that you can recover from your addiction independently. You may not believe that rehabilitation treatment is necessary, and you may be under the impression that simply removing drugs or alcohol from your life will enable you to overcome your addiction.
However, as addictions are psychological disorders, they require medical intervention if they are to truly be overcome.
Sadly, attempting to withdraw from substances alone will put you at greater risk of relapsing. Trying to withdraw from substances without psychological treatment will also prevent you from determining what has caused your addiction to arise.
If you cannot distinguish the factors that have contributed to your addiction, you will, unfortunately, be unable to create coping strategies. In turn, you will find it almost impossible to make a long-term recovery.
Considering this, if you are ready to put your struggles with substances behind you once and for all, attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Flintshire is in your best interest.
Referring Yourself To A Drug and Alcohol Rehab In Flintshire
If, upon reviewing the information shared above, you believe that attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Flintshire will benefit you, we welcome you to take advantage of our self-referral service.
Our self-referral service will ensure that you can discuss your addiction and recovery needs with our admissions team. As touched on above, our self-referral service will also ensure that you have a helping hand every step of the way.
To offer insight into our self-referral service, we have outlined the steps incorporated below.
Step One – Initial Enquiry
The first step in our self-referral process is an initial enquiry. This step will require you to contact us either by phone or email to find out more about the support that we can offer you.
As you speak to our admissions team, they will encourage you to share how your addiction has impaired your life. They will also inform you of the rehabs that are available in Flintshire.
Step Two – Pre-Admissions Assessment
Armed with a wealth of information, if you are determined to overcome your addiction, our admissions team will conduct a pre-admissions assessment over the telephone.
Our pre-admissions assessment will see you discuss your addiction with our team. You will also be required to answer a few questions throughout your pre-admissions assessment. These questions will enable our team to understand your addiction in greater detail and ensure that you are provided with appropriate treatment.
Step Three – Locating A Suitable Drug and Alcohol Rehab In Flintshire
Having completed your pre-admissions assessment, our team will locate a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Flintshire. Upon doing so, you will be informed of the treatment options and facilities that the recommended rehab can provide. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you have here to ensure that you are confident in your choice.
Step Four – Attending Your Chosen Drug and Alcohol Rehab
The final step in our self-referral process will see you attend your chosen drug and alcohol rehab in Flintshire. Here, you will embark on a personalised treatment programme.
Why Choose Addiction Advocates?
As you consider attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Flintshire, you must take advantage of the support and guidance that is readily available to you as you locate a suitable facility.
With this in mind, we welcome you to contact us.
On hand to help you take the first step in your recovery, we can provide you with immediate assistance. Thanks to our 24-hour helpline, our admissions team can be contacted at all times, ensuring that you can secure help as and when you need it.
In addition, we will go above and beyond to ensure that you are able to commence a treatment programme with ease. From referring you to a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Flintshire to providing transport, we are here for you every step of the way.
Call Us Today To Find Out How We Can Support You
If you are ready to put your addiction behind you, please call us today on 0800 012 6088 to find out how we can support you.
Alternatively, email and request a callback.
- [1] it is estimated that 9% of men and 3% of women are dependent on alcohol. -
- [2] An additional 6.4% of adults in the United Kingdom frequently abuse drugs, putting them at risk of developing an addiction to substances such as cannabis, cocaine, heroin and prescription drugs. -
- [3] more than 338 thousand people were admitted to hospital due to alcohol-related illnesses and accidents. -
- [4] Drug misuse saw an additional 16,994 hospital admissions made. -
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