There are many reasons for feeling low while experiencing symptoms of or a diagnosis of addiction.
The most common reason is linked to the consequences that such symptoms and diagnosis carry when surrounding health worries, money concerns, financial implications and relationship problems.
Such pressures can be extremely difficult to digest rationally while under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
Alongside such commonalities, symptoms of depression and anxiety are normal through substance abuse down to the effects that drugs have on the mind, on emotional responses and on the organic production of happy chemicals.
This combined with the adjustments that drugs result in, especially on a cognitive level, and it is understandable why many individuals suffer from a dual diagnosis.
Right now, you may not be experiencing the signs of mental health issues. You may in fact be battling through the emotional rollercoaster of addiction.
However, without sourcing support, pressure can amount to the development of mental health issues, making it even harder to recover.
By that, if you’re struggling with substance abuse, it’s time to consider a dual-route of support. Via a drug and alcohol rehab in Fulham, you can work on your mental health, you can work through addiction recovery, and you can look to manage both for the long-term.
Experience such quality care by using our services here at Addiction Advocates, to help you access fitting, effective forms of addiction treatment.
Why am I feeling extremely low?
As we’ve shared above, there could be a number of reasons as to why you’re feeling low while abusing drugs and alcohol. Commonly, sadness, anxiety and depressive symptoms are linked to the consequences of addiction.
If you’re however feeling even lower than such expectations, you could be experiencing symptoms of depression.
While serious to initially hear, mental health issues are highly associated with addiction down to the mental adjustments and imbalance that such consumption causes.
Standing as a dual diagnosis, you could be actively encountering depression, anxiety or other mental health issues in conjunction with an unhealthy habit of substance abuse, which if uncontrolled, can result in a vicious circle.
No matter if drugs and alcohol alleviate such feelings, it’s important that you do note any emotional changes and within that, consider professional support for a dual diagnosis.
Can I work on my mental health through a drug and alcohol rehab in Fulham?
Yes, we can help you with mental health through our rehabilitation services in London and work on your mental health in conjunction with your drug and alcohol problems. Mental health issues and addictions are very often in alignment.
This will be the most fitting route to go down, as dual diagnosis treatment will be encouraged. Through dual diagnosis treatment, equal efforts will be made to focus on independent conditions, ultimately with an overarching goal of dual long-term recovery.
Such focus is a necessity if sustainable recovery is your end goal, as, without dual efforts, there’s a strong chance that relapse risks will be heightened, down to the festering of underlying issues.
For example, if you tackle your drug and alcohol problems, yet avoid any form of emotional support, your low feelings can trigger the reuse of drugs and alcohol, unintentionally, as a coping strategy.
To work towards maintaining both conditions, visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Fulham which specialises in both recovery routes, and which has the capabilities to prioritise your needs will be suitable.
What type of treatment will I complete via rehab?
Treatment options will be advised on a personal basis, gauged through a pre-admission assessment. Factors including your mental health, your physical wellbeing, your addiction history and your initial causation will be assessed to form a personal programme of addiction treatment services.
Usually, to tackle a drug and alcohol addiction, detoxification, followed by a range of talking therapy sessions will be encouraged. The aim will be to promote withdrawal while retuning outlooks of substance abuse as a coping strategy or action.
Treating mental health symptoms will depend on the condition itself and its severity. Yet, in the majority of instances, cognitive behavioural therapy, stress management, dialectical behavioural therapy and exposure therapy will be encouraged.
Together, dual diagnosis treatment can be experienced, where some options will overlap, yet offer intensive forms of intervention to treat both addiction and mental health issues.
How can I manage my mental health after rehab?
If your mental health is a great concern, please be reassured that dual diagnosis treatment will help to alleviate your symptoms. You’ll also develop positive coping strategies, and a relapse prevention plan to avoid triggers that spike your drug and alcohol consumption, and your low moments.
Management is about ongoing effort to ensure that relapse risks are low. You can look to manage them by leading a lifestyle that is positive, which carries low stress levels, which promotes insignificant exposure to drugs and alcohol, and which incorporates healthy habits and coping methods.
Through a drug and alcohol rehab in Fulham through our services, aftercare will also be an ongoing option which can include further therapy sessions, to maintain balance and clarity over your mental health.
Is it common to experience a dual diagnosis?
It is common for addicts to experience a degree of a dual diagnosis, down to the toxic and controlling nature of drugs and alcohol. Even if a diagnosis isn’t made, the majority of drugs, if abused do carry symptoms of depression, anxiety, compulsive behaviours, obsessive behaviours, paranoia and panic.
If enabled, such symptoms can aggravate into a diagnosis, requiring greater efforts of rehabilitation. If you’re therefore initially struggling with your mental health, the sooner you can accept and source support, the better.
Nonetheless, a degree of care and treatment will be available to suit your needs and diagnosis through our services here at Addiction Advocates.
Reach out today to combat a potential dual diagnosis and its long-term imprint by visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Fulham for suitable forms of treatment.
Improving your mental health and reducing your exposure to drugs and alcohol will show the value of sobriety. Experience such value by committing to rehab and its quality offering.
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