Addiction can take various forms. There are drug addictions and alcohol addictions. Both of these are extremely destructive and can damage every element of life. The most common forms of addiction are substance abuse and repetitive harmful behaviours. This may have already affected your life. Financially and emotionally, addiction treatment is the best decision.
These repetitive behaviours constitute addiction and they can lead to overdose if not treated accordingly. It is not easy to make the decision to enter rehab, however it is the best decision you could make. When these addictions harm us or those we love, we need to seek help to break the cycle of addiction and regain our health and happiness. This can be achieved through rehab and treatment centres.
Get In Touch
Are you suffering from Addiction and need help? Addiction Advocates are leading UK based experts in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today.
The relationship between substance abuse and other mental health problems is complex. A person can also combine several diagnoses, and oftentimes depression and anxiety is merged into it. That is why treatment options can help you on the road to recovery, with all the professional assistance that you need. Going ‘cold turkey’ can be very dangerous. A medical team must always be consulted.
You can start by talking to your GP who will assess your current health and speak to you about your addictions. You can simply and effectively get the answers you need and a referral. However private rehab does not need a referral.
Residential rehab
It may consist of the implementation of medication or psychotherapy sessions. It also combines a number of more intensive programmes such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and sub-acute detoxification. It may also focus heavily on lifestyle choices, diet and fitness to help integrate you back into the world.
Residential rehab may also more closely focus on holistic counselling and therapy. This is carried out in a non-hospital environment, with counselling and behavioural treatments involved. You will find some of the following:
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Within the wide range of different types of psychological therapy, there is cognitive behavioural psychotherapy (CBT). This well-known form of psychotherapy. It is often used within rehab settings. It is characterised by having a practical approach and being focused on achieving goals and solving short-term problems.
It works to change and adapt the patterns of thought and behaviour that have caused the issue in the first place. It is something that is used in conjunction with psychological issues and work to avoid these conditions in the future.
In addition, it works to find the problems and work on small solutions daily to rectify the root cause. These types of techniques are also used to treat a wide range of problems or difficulties of daily life. In rehab, it can give people a new purpose and work towards smaller goals.
Cognitive behavioural psychotherapy techniques work by effecting a change in people’s attitudes and thoughts. The focus of attention is concentrated on new ideas, beliefs and thoughts. It changes attitude and rewires the cognitive processes. How do they behave and react and how can they change?
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
This type of treatment doesn’t eliminate the cause magically. However, it seeks to change the behaviour or characteristic that causes difficulties. A little like CBT, however it focuses on the relationships and how to accept it and deal with it.
Group and individual therapy
Group and individual therapy is the best way to counteract the patterns of thought. It may be a mix of both types of therapy, this is in order to speak to people one to one, and also to speak in a group. This way, you learn about other issues and how others are dealing with the problem.
Patients enter treatment with very distorted ideas about themselves and about the seriousness of the problem; they may not realise that their addiction has spiralled. Therapy sessions to talk about their anxiety and depression, will help you carve a new path.
It will allow you to become motivated and learn the necessary tools to feel confident in the world again as well as being able to talk to others, learn from them and perhaps even make friends. Oftentimes, friends and family will be invited along. They are a big part of your recovery.
Inpatient rehab
An inpatient drug rehab centre in Fylde requires you to stay in the facility until your treatment is over so that they can provide you with 24/7 support. It is important to note that we offer multiple facilities across the country. Many people see the benefit in leaving their home town to detox.
The inpatient program provides you with psychiatric treatment and also helps maintain your physical and mental health. It will firstly include a detailed analysis, learning about your physical and mental health issues. It may include some medical treatments such as alcohol and drug detoxification.
The most notable advantage of an inpatient program compared to an residential program, is the focus on the medical element. You will have a medical team around you constantly, to monitor and assist. You will have access to medications to help you with detoxification.
An inpatient program is each effective and is properly structured. You will know what you are doing from day to day and the focus is very much on physical health, there are no distractions and the focus is on returning you to better physical help.
The environment in the facility is controlled and there are no distractions or stressors of any kind. It is a successful method of treatment that is available to you. You will find a regimented schedule and regime that is guaranteed to succeed. The willingness to change and the tools you administer, will greatly affect your recovery for the better. There is help out there.
If you want more information on how we can help, contact us at 0800 012 6088 or text HELP To 83222 or visit our admissions page for more information and start to carve a new path in life. Health and happiness is around the corner, and we are with you every step of the way.
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