In order to fully embrace drug and alcohol rehab, it’s important that you know the ins and outs of its intentions, of its structure and of its potential.
Without this knowledge, you could be walking into rehab with unrealistic expectations, with an underwhelming feeling or even with an incorrect misconception of drug and alcohol rehab.
At Addiction Advocates, standing as a rehab referral specialist, we regularly engage with clients who unfortunately lack awareness of rehab and its value. With this in mind, if you’re in the same boat, yet know deep down that drug and alcohol rehabilitation is the way forward for you, this Q&A, along with our ongoing support will be useful for you.
Below is a breakdown of what to expect from selecting a drug and alcohol rehab in Hastings, of your admission process, and of life post-rehab. It is very important that you do familiarise yourself with these expectations, in order to understand what is expected of you as you embark on rehab.
If you do have any personal questions or concerns around drug and alcohol rehab, reach out today. We are here to guide you through this difficult time, helping you access high-quality, fitting support through rehab.
Can I recover locally via a drug and alcohol rehab in Hastings?
Recovering locally is doable. This may be a shock to you as many individuals tend to bypass localised recovery if given the option. This will however be down to fear of drug and alcohol relapse risks which are possible through an outpatient rehab programme.
However, at Addiction Advocates, we highly advocate residential rehab at a local rate, providing you with a mix of benefits of both rehab deliveries.
Selecting a drug and alcohol rehab in Hastings will provide you with a degree of comfort, of convenience and of your norm. However, on a residential scale, you’ll also be provided with a structure, with around the clock care, and with your own personal rehab programme.
Combined together, both deliveries of rehab can offer you the greatest experience to warm to drug and alcohol rehabilitation services.
Of course, remaining in Hastings may not be for everyone. If that is the case for you, we can look beyond your local area and opt for the most suited rehab programme when measured against your needs. The most important factor, beyond remaining local, is that selecting a Hastings-based rehab clinic will be suitable for you.
If it meets your needs and works with your addiction makeup, we can push ahead with your admission.
What do I need to do in between my enquiry and my admission date?
Once you make your enquiry here at Addiction Advocates, all arrangements regarding your rehab admission will be managed by our team. You will however have full input as this is your impending drug and alcohol rehabilitation programme.
As a part of the admission process, you will need to undergo a number of assessments. These assessments will gauge whether rehab is right for you, whether you are fit on physical and psychological levels, and whether localised recovery will suit your addiction type. Results from your assessments will then pave the way to make personal recommendations on drug and alcohol rehab.
This is the moment where the most suited drug and alcohol rehab in Hastings will be highlighted, ready for you to approve. If you are happy to push ahead, a mutually convenient admission date will be made, which will soon be followed by a clinic assessment and the commencement of addiction treatment services.
Alongside the arrangement side of your admission, you can however use this time to prepare on physical and psychological levels for rehab. We encourage you to give yourself enough time and resources, to do your research and to be sure on drug and alcohol rehab as your next steps. Yet, ultimately, we ask you to trust the transformational process of rehab.
How reliable are recovery rates?
Recovery rates are as reliable as they can be. Of course, providing a 100% guarantee on long-term recovery will be unrealistic. There are many internal and external factors which can control your ability to recover.
As a standard, someone who is committed to drug and alcohol rehab can withdraw from their addictions and learn to maintain a lifestyle which diminishes all associations with drugs and alcohol. However, the true test of recovery is on your return home to Hastings.
Again, services will be in place to support you, along with ongoing guidance around relapse prevention. However, your actions and decisions, post-rehab can affect your ability to remain sober.
With this in mind, if you embrace a suitable rehab programme, you can achieve the intentions of rehab. However, you must continue to lead a lifestyle which will benefit long-term recovery.
Will I need to open up about my initial reason for consuming drugs or alcohol?
Yes, although it may be difficult to initially open up to a stranger, you will need to open up about your experiences with drugs and alcohol, on your admission and throughout addiction treatments.
On your admission, this information will help to guide rehab recommendations. Within your treatment sessions, talking about your problems will begin to motivate psychological recovery.
There’s a high chance that you’ll complete talking therapies such as CBT, support groups, individual therapy, and even art therapy to open up in a mindful way.
Alongside this necessary step, you’ll also advance through detoxification programmes, followed by therapeutic addiction treatment services, such as stress management, motivational therapy and relapse prevention.
How will my life change after rehab?
Reasonably, your life will significantly change after rehab. If you do achieve your recovery goals, it will change by leading a drug and alcohol-free reality. However, you will also need to make some active changes to facilitate that positive reality, with a large focus on your lifestyle.
Ultimately, you’ll need to disassociate yourself from drugs and alcohol. Whether that will mean that you change your job, that you break away from certain people, or that you avoid a certain hobby, it is recommended that you make these changes to allow yourself to thrive through sobriety.
Ongoing advice will be available via a drug and alcohol rehab in Hastings, helping you normalise those changes, and complete what you’ve intended to do so via rehab.
Knowing the ins and outs of rehab will help you warm to it easier. Although this step can take some time, we are here for you, kickstarting your admission into rehab. Reach out today, where our support will continue, helping you remain on track to tackle rehab.
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