Conquering drug and alcohol addiction requires dedication, hard work, and professional addiction treatment. Addiction Advocates can help you find the best drug and alcohol rehab for your needs, all you need to do is contact us on 0800 012 6088 or text HELP to 83222.
Drug and alcohol addiction treatment must address the underlying behavioural problems that initially lead to a person developing an addiction. Professional drug and alcohol treatment options and therapy options are massively varied, but residential drug and alcohol rehab is the most effective way to realise a life of sobriety.
Addiction Advocates are ready and waiting to refer you to the drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre which will best treat your specific problems. The journey to recovery will be hard, but with commitment and the guidance of tireless staff, you’ll be in the best possible place to put your addiction behind you. Physical and psychological treatments such as CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) and medically-assisted detoxification, alongside state-of-the-art relapse prevention and aftercare will all work towards forging your new life.
Get In Touch
Are you suffering from Addiction and need help? Addiction Advocates are leading UK based experts in Drug Addiction and Rehabilitation Treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today.
How Rehab Is Effective
Rehab is only effective when you are ready to make serious changes to your life. Addiction is a largely behavioural issue, and therefore is not something that you can necessarily “cure,” but it is something that you learn how to manage. The drug and alcohol addiction treatment centres that Addiction Advocates can refer you to will make sure you learn how to manage this condition quickly and effectively.
Addiction treatment occurs in both one-to-one and group therapy sessions. Individual treatment will help you to dive specifically into your mind and figure out the personal issues from which your addiction began. Keeping you focussed on your own mental state is also a cornerstone of effective relapse prevention training.
Group therapy is also key and has long since been a mainstay of addiction treatment. This is because support networks are integral to successful long-term recovery. Not only do recovering addicts require support from friends and/or family, but also from other addicts. Through group therapy sessions at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre that Addiction Advocates locate for you, you will start to craft a new support network. Support networks in addiction treatment centres are particularly effective as the others in your session will be sharing the same common goal as you. Also, you will be able to learn from those who are further along with their treatment, taking inspiration from listening to their experiences, troubles, and victories.
Treatment Options
Most psychiatric-based therapy will come in the forms of such treatments like CBT, DBT (dialectical behavioural therapy) in some cases, counselling, standardised mental health treatments, and much more. The specific treatment/therapy options that you receive may depend upon your own issues and the rehab which is deemed to be the best fit for you.
Dual-diagnosis therapy also plays a large part in the recovery of many addicts. Dual-diagnosis treatments involve implementing more standard psychiatric or psychological therapies in order to treat mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. A lot of people suffering from substance abuse disorders will have been subconsciously medicating for underlying mental health ailments through their addiction. Therefore, dual-diagnosis therapy will treat both your addictive disorder and any long-standing mental health issues which are also present.
A Safe Detoxification
The idea of detoxification being “safe” may seem too good to be true for addicts who have tried to go “cold turkey” in the past. However, it is possible for Addiction Advocates to find you a rehabilitation centre that has a detox clinic. A detox clinic will therefore enable you to experience a medically-assisted detox programme, making withdrawal safer and easier.
Alcohol withdrawal and/or substance misuse withdrawal is no laughing matter. Many addicts have tragically lost their life to withdrawal side-effects in the past. So, don’t take any chances, get healthier in the safety of a detox clinic under the supervision of highly-trained medical professionals.
The Admissions Process
Quite simply, all you need to do is call Addiction Advocates’s helpline to start the ball rolling on your addiction treatment. Our helpline workers are ready and waiting to help you realise your recovery dreams.
When you first make contact with us in order to start getting treatment at a rehab, we will perform a brief pre-admission interview. Ascertaining your current medical state, your medical history, and your budgetary and accessibility requirements should not take long. However, once we have all of the information that we need, we will be better able to make the best recommendation for a drug and alcohol treatment facility.
Relapse Prevention And Aftercare
When you are at a professional drug and alcohol rehab, working on relapse prevention should play a large part in your treatment. Relapse prevention training will make sure you’re ready for the real world post-rehab. The first twelve months of everyday life after rehab are often cited as being the most important period in a recovering addict’s life. Therefore, making sure that you have the mental tools needed to see each day through and not give into relapsing is integral.
Additionally, a lot of the drug and alcohol rehab centres that Addiction Advocates refer our clients to include a complimentary 12-month aftercare programme. This programme, in tandem with the things learnt throughout your time in rehab and relapse prevention training, will provide you with all of the resources and skills needed over that initial period — and for the rest of your life.
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