Drug and alcohol addiction leads countless people into ruin each year across the United Kingdom, and the world. However, once you have come to terms with the fact that you have a drug and/or alcohol addiction, the difficulty can be in not only finding a professional drug and alcohol treatment centre but also understanding what forms of treatment you will experience.
At a drug and alcohol rehab in Ilford, you will experience a whole host of different treatment options, various therapy options, and even a specialised aftercare programme. Addiction Advocates’ centres provide the pinnacle of physical and psychological treatment during your stay, as well as the best possible treatment for after you have finished your stay within one of our rehabilitation centres’ safe walls.
When it comes to getting serious about overcoming an addiction, then a treatment plan which includes severe psychological and physical addiction treatment, relapse prevention planning, and aftercare treatment, all of which are administered by highly-trained professionals — then you cannot do better than entrusting your long-term recovery to the capable hands of Addiction Advocates. Contact our helpline today on 0800 012 6088 or text HELP to 83222 in order to start your treatment plan today.
Below, we will go through what makes our rehab so special in more intricate detail, but if you would prefer to speak to a person about your concerns (or if you already know that this will be the best possible option for you to overcome your drug addiction or alcohol addiction) then reach out to us now.
Alternatively, should you be here as you’re worried about how someone close is abusing alcohol and/or narcotics, then you can contact the above helpline and ask about our family and friend referral scheme — through this, we will be able to assist in all areas of family intervention and alcohol intervention.
Get In Touch
Are you suffering from Addiction and need help? Addiction Advocates are leading UK based experts in Drug Addiction and Rehabilitation Treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today.
Picking A Drug And Alcohol Abuse Centre
As more and more people are currently relying upon publicly funded institutions for healthcare due to current events, getting treatment for addiction through a service such as the NHS may leave you with a massive period of waiting around before you can get treatment. Also, with the current UK government slashing much-needed funding to public institutions this situation is unlikely to improve any time soon.
The longer that you wait around when it comes to getting your drug and alcohol treatment, the more your resolve to recovery will weaken — thus lessening your chances of successfully overcoming your drug or alcohol addiction.
Our admission process is quick and easy. Once you reach out to us, our helpline staff will ask you a short series of questions which will inform your personalised treatment plan (we specifically tailor each programme to each individual who uses our services) and then you will be ready to start attending one of Addiction Advocates’ residential drug and alcohol rehabs.
How Rehab Works
When you have arrived at your chosen drug and alcohol facility you will go through a series of individual and group-based psychotherapies. These psychological therapies and treatments will make sure that, along with our therapist’s guidance, locate the initial reason as to why you have ended up manifesting a drug and/or alcohol addiction.
Treatments that will enable us to do this include the likes of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), family drug support counselling, one-to-one therapy, group therapy, and much more.
Dual-diagnosis treatment will also play a large part in your treatment. Dual-diagnosis therapies involve using more standardised mental health treatments in tandem with addiction treatment so that we can treat any underlying or concurrent mental health issues that you are also struggling with — such as depression or social anxiety.
Family intervention can also be integrated into some treatment plans in instances where the individual struggling with substance abuse wishes to repair fraught relationships with loved ones or has internalised familial issues which we can resolve.
Before you undergo physiological treatments, however, our therapists will need to make sure that you’re in the best possible physical state for recovery.
Medically Assisted Detox
Detoxification is a process that can strike fear into the hearts of many addicts. However, thanks to the fact that Addiction Advocates’ drug and alcohol treatment centres are equipped with state-of-the-art detox clinics, we can help you through this process safely and in the best possible comfort.
Alcohol withdrawal and/or drug abuse withdrawal both cause individuals to experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, hallucinations, and much more. As such, it is important to have the support of a medical professional when going through withdrawal, medical professionals such as those who work at our detox clinics.
Relapse Prevention Programmes
While a lot of drug and alcohol treatment plans become solely focused on getting their clients clean, our clinics spend a large portion of our time also ensuring that our clients have the mental and physical tools needed to remain clean!
In tandem with the psychiatric addiction treatments mentioned above, our therapists and addiction specialists will work tirelessly with you in order to help you work out strategies that you can fall back on if you ever feel as though you’re thinking of using again when living your post-rehab life. Most commonly, a relapse prevention plan can involve finding the stress management techniques that you personally respond best to and teaching you to identify potential triggers so that you know when to fall back on these techniques.
As mentioned previously though, you will not be alone when you leave our facility. Our aftercare programme is designed to provide support for the first 12 months of you leaving our facility, all completely free of charge.
Frequently Asked Questions
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