While this is commendable, it is also incredibly difficult and ultimately it could make the problem much, much worse.
When attempting to overcome substance dependency, most addicts do so by “going cold turkey”- by suddenly and completely cutting out all drugs and alcohol.
When a dependent body suddenly finds itself empty of the substance it craves it can lead to painful and dangerous withdrawal effects. The best you can hope for is mild aches and pains, maybe a little trembling.
The worst-case scenario is seizures, powerful hallucinations and, depending on the nature of the drug, even death. The withdrawal period almost always proves too much, meaning that the addict ends up falling back into drinking or using.
The amount of alcohol drunk or drugs used tends to increase after a failed recovery attempt. The cycle continues.
The other option is to seek professional rehabilitation at a residential treatment centre. The idea of going to drug and alcohol rehab can seem frightening, and the thought of openly admitting that you have a problem and asking for help might make you feel ashamed.
There is a great deal of social stigma around the issue of addiction, so these feelings are understandable. But it is important to remember that you are not alone- many people suffer with substance dependency, and it is not something that you can control.
Addiction is a disease, a mind condition, and you should treat it in the same way as you would any other medical problem. Like any illness, it will not get better or go away on its own. The best way to tackle it is to get professional care.
How do I find Rehab near me?
Addiction has many connections to the wider issue of mental health. Many addicts initially turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to help them deal with overwhelming stress affecting their daily life.
Some people may develop an addiction as a result of relationship trouble, financial uncertainty, or trauma.
There are many different factors that can contribute to the development of substance dependency, and as such there are many different solutions. It can be hard to know what to look for, once you make the decision to seek help.
There are lots of different rehab centres out there, all offering slightly different programmes of care. Wading through all the different options can add further stress that you certainly do not need in this difficult time. Luckily, Addiction Advocates is here to help.
We work with a number of drug and alcohol rehab centres across the UK, and we operate a 24 hour advisory helpline.
When you are ready to reach out, call our helpline and our dedicated team of specialists will assess your case and refer you to a clinic that suits your individual requirements.
What to expect from Addiction Treatment
There are, roughly speaking, two parts to addiction treatment. One aims to address the physical aspects of substance dependency, the other aims to address the psychological element.
The first part of your treatment programme is likely to be detoxification- this is the physical component. The detox clinic provides a safe and regulated environment for you to go through the withdrawal period. With nurses and psychologists monitoring your progress, you will have constant and immediate access to help should your withdrawal symptoms prove severe.
Some drug addictions are nastier than others. The withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid use are particularly bad. At a specialised detox clinic you may be provided substitute drugs (i.e. methadone) to help safely and gradually wean you off the opioids.
This is a treatment method that has proven to be highly effective, and it is not something that you can easily replicate outside of drug rehab.
Once your system is clean of drugs and alcohol, it is time to address the mental aspects of your addiction. For a complete, lasting recovery it is essential that you undergo counselling coupled with a variety of psychological therapies.
Getting sober is all well and good, but it doesn’t mean a thing if you fall right back into substance abuse the moment you leave the clinic.
CBT, which means cognitive behavioural therapy, is one of the more common treatments provided by rehab clinics. It is designed to help sufferers of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression deal with their illness.
It encourages and enables patients to better process overwhelming problems, approaching them not as singular, monolithic issues but instead breaking them down into smaller, more easily tackled parts.
Because it is aimed at managing stress, and substance abuse is often triggered by stress, CBT is particularly well suited to the treatment of addiction. But it is not the only method of treatment.
Recreational and motivational therapies such as art and music therapy may be used to help you develop your sense of self-understanding and confidence.
You might undergo group counselling, allowing you to connect with other people suffering through similar problems and enabling you to build a support network within the clinic.
There is no single solution, which is why we will ensure that you are referred to a programme that will suit your situation and your needs.
Contact us today
There is no sense in delaying. Addiction does not go away on its own, and it does not get better. If you want to be free of your addiction, you need to act.
Contact Addiction Advocates as soon as you possibly can, and take the first step on the road to recovery.
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