We can help you take the first step towards living a life free from alcohol or drugs by sourcing the most suitable private drug and alcohol rehab for you.
Our expert teams offer a wide variety of residential addiction treatment options and work alongside you to provide effective physical and psychological support during this challenging time in your life.
You don’t need to go through this alone, we’re here to help you achieve long-term recovery.
There’s no denying that addiction treatment isn’t easy. It takes great strength and commitment to undergo this challenging, yet highly rewarding experience.
For alcohol or drug abuse rehabilitation to be effective, you’re required to display significant behavioural changes during your addiction treatment programme.
If you’re not willing to change and commit to a new lifestyle indefinitely, then your treatment programme is unlikely to be effective.
By giving us your best effort and committing to this life-changing journey, we reward you with our unparalleled support and exceptional addiction treatments.
How do you know if you need to visit a rehab for drug and alcohol abuse?
It can sometimes be difficult to comprehend whether your addiction is severe enough to require residential addiction treatment.
The feeling of denial is quite common amongst addicts as you tend to feel as though you don’t need addiction treatment or avoid talking about it altogether.
We can assure you that whatever stage you’re at with your drug or alcohol abuse, whether you’re new to the effects or if you’ve been battling an addiction for years, no form of addiction is too mild to be ignored.
It’s imperative that you seek professional support as soon as possible to avoid any irreversible damage.
If you’re struggling to find a private drug and alcohol rehab which suits you, we can help you to find a centre that you’re happy with.
It is possible to enquire about drug and alcohol rehabilitation with free local health services like the NHS, however you’re likely to be added to a long waiting list which can be disheartening and detrimental to your recovery.
Unfortunately, the NHS is so overwhelmed and underfunded, they’re unable to offer personalised addiction treatment programmes, meaning when you do receive addiction treatment, it’ll be a generic plan to follow which is unlikely to be effective.
What are the common causes of a drug addiction or alcohol addiction?
Each person will have their own personal journey into drug and alcohol abuse which is unique to them. We can, however, look at some of the most common causes of addiction.
- People who suffer with mental health issues can be up to 50% more susceptible to developing an addiction to alcohol or drugs as it’s used as a coping mechanism.
- If you’ve been raised in an environment where those around you are frequently abusing alcohol or drugs, then you’re much more likely to develop similar habits as this becomes the norm.
- What begins as recreational use of drugs, can quickly turn into the consumption of more serious drugs. When the substance becomes increasingly addictive, it becomes harder to stop using, highlighting the value of drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
- It’s possible than some people are just more genetically inclined to become addicted to alcohol or drugs. If this is the case, you still have a great chance to achieve a successful recovery.
Whatever the cause of your addiction might be, there are no ‘lost causes’ when it comes to recovering from drug and alcohol abuse.
We’re widely experienced in helping people from all walks of life with varying severities of addiction; we’re confident that we can help you achieve your long-term recovery goals.
We have a great recovery success rate
We’re proud to have helped countless people overcome their battle with drug addiction or alcohol addiction.
Our compassionate and personable approach to addiction treatment, combined with comfortable, high-specification facilities, will give you the best opportunity to succeed.
The rate of successful recoveries through home or outpatient rehabilitation are very low, whereas residential rehab centres have a proven high success rate.
One of the main benefits of staying at a residential drug and alcohol rehab is that you’re under constant supervision by an exceptional team of medical experts who are delivering the latest techniques in addiction treatment.
Another great benefit of staying with us during your drug and alcohol rehabilitation is that you’re removing yourself from the distractions and temptations of home life, leaving your recovery as the only thing you need to focus on.
Our private drug and alcohol rehab in Malvern give you the opportunity to work with excellent therapists in individual and group settings.
You’ll have access to ongoing support and guidance throughout the duration of your treatment programme and with our free 12-month aftercare plan.
We have the expertise, patience and understanding to guide you through each stage of your recovery in the most effective way possible.
There’s no time to waste
We highly recommend taking advantage of our free 12-month aftercare programme to assist with your ongoing drug and alcohol relapse prevention. Just like your primary treatment programme, your aftercare will also be tailored specifically to you.
We encourage you to make the most of local support networks and recommend joining groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous once you’ve left our drug and alcohol rehab in Malvern.
If you’re concerned that yourself or a loved one if struggling to overcome an addiction to alcohol or drugs, then it’s vital you seek help today. We can talk you through various treatment options and answer any additional queries you may have.
Get in touch with us today on 0800 012 6088, text HELP to 83222, or send us an email at info@addictionadvocates.com. You’re taking the first step towards a happier, healthier life.
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