If you do, then it is important to identify the appropriate treatment. Rehabilitation is an unfamiliar experience to those who have not encountered it and it can provide different results for every individual.
As a result of this, it’s normal to feel worried and have low confidence about the prospect of your recovery.
However, Addiction Advocates can help you through this potentially overwhelming process. If you have been searching for “Drug and alcohol rehab Normanton” then we are ideally placed to provide you with expert advice and addiction treatment that is tailored to individual requirements.
Far from the gritty perception of rehab played out in movies and on television, our rehab clinics are comfortable and staffed by people who genuinely care about your recovery.
If you would like to discuss your addiction, why not get in touch with us? Our 24-hour helpline is staffed by many people who are themselves recovering addicts and you, or your situation, will not be judged and you’ll be treated with compassion and respect at all times.
Call us today on 0800 012 6088 or text HELP to 83222 and don’t put it off any further – let’s work together and help you to face down your addiction.
Private Drug and Alcohol Rehab
It’s important to know what you want to get out of your rehab and make a list of recovery goals. There is no easy or straightforward route to overcoming an addiction and every person is different. Addiction Advocates can guarantee that every person admitted to our care will be treated as an individual and no two of our clients receive the same treatment programme.
Ordinarily, the goals of rehab are to achieve a detoxification and withdrawal from drugs and alcohol, restore your physical and psychological wellbeing, alter your perspective on drug and alcohol use and put in place robust aftercare and relapse prevention plans.
We can appreciate that there are cheaper alternatives to private drug and alcohol rehab. Local charity solutions and the NHS in Normanton offer alternatives.
But there are long waiting lists and they are offered on an outpatient basis, which means you are discharged from your rehab clinic at evenings and weekends. This provides ample opportunities for you to give in to temptation and puts you at risk of experiencing a relapse.
Addiction Advocates recommend a residential rehab, wherein you are under our care for a period of 28 days. Whilst this might seem like a long time to be away from home, it affords you the maximum time to concentrate on your recovery.
Your meals and accommodation are inclusive of cost and you can guarantee you will not be able to access bad influences, whether they be places or people, whilst you’re under our care.
Why not call us today for a consultation about your drug and alcohol usage?
The importance of Detoxification
The most important part of your rehab journey is your detox. Drug rehab and alcohol rehab cannot have long term success if you are not free of the shackles of addictive substances. Those people who have abused drugs or alcohol will have become dependent on these substances and breaking free is difficult.
You will need to immerse yourself in this process. Depending on the severity of your addiction, you may be in our detox clinic for as much as two weeks. You may have tried a DIY detox of your own in the past at home – many of our clients admit to this.
A detox can be a dangerous experience due to the range of withdrawal symptoms that someone can suffer with. These can be minor (hallucinations and nightmares) to more serious symptoms, such as insomnia and severe sweating.
If you try and do this at home, you are at risk if your body suffers with a severe reaction. This is caused when people try to kick their addiction by going “cold turkey” and completely deprive themselves of their substance in one go. This is a significant shock to the system and the body and mind will react badly.
With a professionally administered detox, Addiction Advocates will cut your access to drugs or alcohol in a controlled fashion. You will receive reduced amounts of substances until you have none left in your system.
This is known as tapering. This is undoubtedly a tough experience, but our staff will be by your side throughout the process, monitoring your progress and keeping you safe.
We use a wide range of addiction treatment services. This is because an addiction is a complicated and multifaceted condition. An addiction targets both your physical and psychological health. As such, it’s vital that the range of support available is wide and varied.
It is not uncommon to discover that someone who is suffering from an addiction also has mental health and depression issues, like anxiety. If we identify you as requiring dual diagnosis treatment, we’ll treat your mental health issues as well as your addiction – they are related but are separate and require different approaches.
Your treatment will mostly be talking therapies, such as group therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). The aim of these sessions is to explore the reason you became addicted in the first place and to change your perspective on your use of drugs and alcohol, and alter your behaviours moving forwards.
Immediate spaces available in Normanton
Before you leave Addiction Advocates, we will draw up an aftercare plan that allows you to prepare yourself for your return to normal life.
You will need to take responsibility for your own recovery, but you can depend on the plan you’ll receive, and you will have access to a 24-hour helpline and regular follow up sessions for 12 months.
Every day is vital when you’re fighting an addiction, so don’t put it off anymore. Call Addiction Advocates today on 0800 012 6088 or text HELP to 83222 and let us help you to regain control of your life.
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