Are you struggling to say enough is enough around your drug and alcohol consumption? Are you finding it difficult to face up to your reality, and the severity of your drug and alcohol addiction?
Acknowledging an addiction and reaching out are some of the hardest steps linked to drug and alcohol rehabilitation. While the process itself will carry tests, even on a post-rehab basis, facing up to the fact that your coping strategy, your current life, your drug and alcohol consumption are damaging, can be difficult.
Yet, at Addiction Advocates, we are here for you, ready to offer support throughout your acknowledgement, followed by a rehab referral service. Once you’ve faced up to your next steps, it’s important that you act with urgency, to begin addiction treatment before your mindset changes. Achieving this, alone, at a rapid rate can be difficult. Yet, through our services, we can arrange a convenient admission into a drug and alcohol rehab in Peterborough.
Understandably, you may find it hard to open up to loved ones, family or friends. Yet, at Addiction Advocates, this is our purpose, to offer compassionate, emotional guidance through the turmoil of addiction. Reach out to benefit from professional addiction support, breaking the stigma on addiction recovery.
Saying that enough is enough
Have you ever felt like giving in? Have you reached a point where sober living is perceived as desirable over the churn of withdrawal symptoms, of negative side effects, of mental health issues linked to addiction? If so, it’s time to say that enough, is enough.
You can control your future. You can control whether you’ll continue to be directed by drugs, alcohol and their addictive identities. You can pick to enable their presence in your life, or you can pick to diminish your physical and psychological link to drugs and alcohol.
By acknowledging your addiction and by reaching out for professional support, you can break the cycle of addiction. Yet, to stop it from repairing, you must commit to a drug and alcohol rehabilitation programme. This is the only way you can truly put a stop to your drug and alcohol consumption.
With our support, you can make a stand to reach this point, to reach long-term recovery. Do so via a drug and alcohol rehab in Peterborough, offering a comfortable and personal journey towards sober living.
Finding a drug and alcohol rehab in Peterborough to recover from
If you’re in the mindset to recover, it’s time to act. Take action by contacting our team at Addiction Advocates, ready to facilitate your rehab admission.
We will begin the process through a telephone assessment. This assessment will measure your readiness to recover, along with your physical and psychological health, ensuring you are fit to withdraw from drugs and alcohol. In tandem with this, results will direct your exact needs when considering drug and alcohol rehab, helping to form our recommendations.
The key benefit of our services is that you will have the reassurance that the most suited rehab programme, is available for you, using your needs as a benchmark. This is the stage where we will narrow down suitable rehab clinics in your local area, along with considering the delivery of rehab.
In most cases, if you’re aiming to visit a drug and alcohol rehab in Peterborough, residential rehab will be encouraged as your delivery. This will be the safest and most effective way you can experience and advance through addiction treatment, without social, emotional or environmental triggers.
Post-recommendations, we can push forward with your admission into drug and alcohol rehab, providing you with an admission date. Depending on your selection, you may have to wait for admission into rehab. Yet, please be reassured that efficiency is pushed when considering your journey into drug and alcohol rehab.
Completing a personal rehab programme
On your arrival to your selected rehab clinic, you will be provided with a personal rehab programme. Formed by prioritising your personal needs via rehab, you will be welcomed with a rehab programme, boasting a range of addiction treatments. Recommendations for the length and depth of treatment services will also be noted, all tailored around your experience with addiction.
While rehab programmes are personal, there are however common goals, set out across the programme. Detoxification from alcohol and drugs, influencing physical and psychological withdrawal, repair, and long-term recovery are those goals. With this in mind, a range of productive addiction treatments will be recommended for you. Common alcohol and drug treatment services used through rehab include:
- Drug and alcohol detox, to promote physical withdrawal
- Cognitive behavioural therapy, to work on outlooks of substance abuse
- Stress management, to help divert stress into positive coping mechanisms
- Art therapy, to support those who struggle on emotional levels around addiction
- Support groups, to increase accountability around addiction recovery
- Dual diagnosis treatment, recommended for those suffering from mental health side effects/conditions
- Family therapy, helping to increase awareness of drug and alcohol abuse, along with personal support
- Relapse prevention, in place, to reduce physical relapse risks
Again, some of the above may not be recommended for you, down to your relationship with drugs and alcohol. Recommended methods will deviate in length and depth all depending on your susceptibility to addiction treatment and ability to reach those recovery goals.
Sustaining recovery through aftercare
Residential rehab acts as the foundation of long-term recovery. It provides vast change, helping to deflect attention off drugs and alcohol. It also provides clients with skills to overcome future drug and alcohol cravings. However, post-rehab is the time to sustain recovery, via aftercare services.
Through your chosen drug and alcohol rehab in Peterborough, you will have access to ongoing care, guidance and addiction treatment sessions. Post-rehab is all about accountability, adaptations and motivation. Harness each by committing to aftercare services, fitting into your new drug and alcohol-free lifestyle.
Benefit from our services at Addiction Advocates
By working with our team, you can experience the value attached to drug and alcohol rehab. Yet, the biggest benefit is that you can feel reassured that rehab is for you, that your selected rehab programme is suitable and safe, and that recovery can be sustained.
Experience this level of reassurance whilst advancing through the rehab admission process, available to start today. By doing so, you’ll soon be residing from a drug and alcohol rehab in Peterborough, catered to your needs. Say enough is enough by committing to drug and alcohol rehabilitation and the benefits it influences.
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