If you are struggling with alcohol or drug dependency, our alcohol and drug rehab centres in Pinner and surrounding areas could help.
Rehab has been shown to be the most effective way to help people dealing with serious addiction issues.
All the centres we work with use evidence-based treatment programmes delivered in a safe and secure environment by experienced professionals with a wealth of experience in the field of addiction recovery.
Get In Touch
Are you suffering from Addiction and need help? Addiction Advocates are leading UK based experts in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today.
Do I need Alcohol or Drug Rehab in Pinner?
If you are struggling with alcohol or drug addiction, attending rehab could provide your best chance of kicking the habit for good. Every year, addiction and substance misuse claims the lives of thousands of people and wrecks the lives of even more.
The very nature of addiction makes it very difficult to beat alone as it changes the way our brains work, leading to compulsive substance use even when we know it may have negative consequences.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment in Pinner
Rehab, or rehabilitation, is a process involving a number of different steps – all of which have the ultimate goal of freeing you from addiction. We always remember that every person struggling with these issues is an individual and treat you as such.
A comprehensive admissions process will help determine your own personal needs and situation and from there a personalised rehab plan can be drawn up. This will typically involve a medically supervised detox and a range of therapies and treatments aimed at helping you to stay clean and sober once you leave.
The Detoxification Process
Drug and alcohol detox, or detoxification, is the part where you actually get clean, essentially flushing the toxins left over from long-term drinking or drug use out of your system. This is not an easy process as you are likely experience both strong cravings and severe withdrawal symptoms.
The exact nature of these symptoms can vary. Withdrawal symptoms associated with marijuana and cocaine addiction, for example, are likely to be predominantly psychological in nature while alcohol and opioid dependency can result in severe physical symptoms.
In all cases the process is generally unpleasant and many people attempting to tackle their addictions at home will repeatedly fall at this hurdle. Even with a good support network in place, friends and family will usually lack the skills and expertise required to help guide you through this very challenging process, whereas a supervised detox in rehab will place you under the care of experienced professionals.
You will also have medical supervision where required, which can include prescription medications to help deal with the withdrawal symptoms where this is appropriate.
What other Rehabilitation Treatments are available at Addiction Advocates?
A safe and successful detox is hugely important but so is the area of relapse prevention, which will help keep you drug and alcohol-free moving forward. The physical cleaning up of detox will be accompanied by psychological intervention in the form of a programme of addiction therapies and other treatments.
Talking therapies are particularly valuable and could include group therapy with others going through their own recovery journeys, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), psychotherapy and one to one counselling.
These will aim to help you explore the root causes of your substance misuse and addiction, as well as changing the way you think and feel about your drinking and drug use. You will also be encouraged to develop coping strategies when cravings, stresses and temptations do inevitably strike.
You might also be offered mental health treatments, especially if mental health issues impact on your substance misuse or vice versa. Treating interconnected addiction and mental health issues at the same time is often known as dual diagnosis treatment and can be a very valuable part of your recovery. This is because an untreated mental health issue could trigger a relapse in the future and see you locked once more into a negative spiral.
You may also be offered alternative therapies such as art or music therapies, along with workshops on nutrition, relaxation techniques and other aspects of adopting a healthier lifestyle.
Personalised Aftercare Programmes
The fight against drug or alcohol addiction is rarely an easy one and you are likely to experience cravings and sometimes lingering withdrawal symptoms in the weeks and months after you leave.
A professional aftercare plancan provide the support you need when you need it and there are also many support groups and charities that can help you in your recovery journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
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