Have you been thinking of reaching out for support to finally put an end to your drug and/or alcohol abuse? If so, then Addiction Advocates’ private residential rehab in Redruth will likely be the perfect place to see your way to long-term recovery from addiction.
Thanks to the help of our highly qualified teams of therapists, psychiatrists, as well as state-of-the-art therapies in addiction treatment that we employ, we are confident that you will be able to completely eliminate your drug and alcohol abuse for good.
Taking the first steps on your journey to recovery can be the most arduous; although judging from the fact that you are here reading this webpage, you may have already conquered these steps.
So, now is the time to capitalise on this moment of action and see your way to actually put in motion the process of attending a professional drug and alcohol rehab by calling Addiction Advocates today on 0800 012 6088.
If you are not here for yourself, but you are concerned about the addictive tendencies of someone close to you then our helpline staff can also help you throughout the family and friend referral scheme.
Through this scheme, we will be able to help you plan and execute an intervention and approach your loved one about attending professional rehab.
We all need a good support network throughout our lives, and you can help your loved one today.
Making Sure That You Employ The Right Drug And Alcohol Treatment For You
When it comes to researching addiction treatments, the varied forms and styles of treatment that you come across may seem somewhat daunting at first — and this is only natural.
Recovering from addiction is something very personal, and so you want to make sure that you can find a treatment that will benefit you best.
There are some avenues of treatment that are free through institutions such as the NHS; however, due to the incredible pressure that the National Health Service is currently under due to government underfunding of this institution, you are unlikely to be able to find immediate treatment through them.
Finding treatment as soon as possible is also integral to overcoming addiction, and this is something that Addiction Advocates are able to offer.
Furthermore, while it may be possible to recover from addiction with the help of an outpatient programme, outpatient programmes may often only be successful in cases where the addiction that a person is trying to overcome is very mild.
These programmes mean that you are also not removed from your home environment, which is one of the aspects that actually make our residential rehabilitation centres so effective.
A lot of people can be wary of attending a residential rehab due to having archaic notions about what the atmosphere of rehab will be like. However, our drug and alcohol rehabs are specially designed to be positive, warm, happy, and welcoming environments.
The cold, clinical visions of rehab as seen in Hollywood movies are a thing of the past when it comes to Addiction Advocates’ treatment centres.
What Forms Of Treatment Can You Expect
Firstly, one of the main things you will probably have to overcome when you have arrived at our facility and settled into your en-suite room will be detoxification.
Thankfully, with the help of our detox clinic, you will be able to pass through this process without fear of the life-threatening symptoms that alcohol withdrawal and/or substance abuse withdrawal can cause you to experience.
The importance of a proper detox treatment in order to cautiously and protractedly lowering your intake of a specific substance not only helps your body to adjust to the change in your physiology easier, but it also gets your body in the right place for the next stage of your treatment.
The next stages of your treatment will come in a unique blend of approaches to treating addiction, with a mixture of physical and psychological treatments and/or therapies.
The root of your addiction resides inside of your brain, and so by administering a series of mental health therapies we will fight your addiction at its inception.
Though you will have a personally-tailored treatment plan so it is impossible for us to predict what exact blend of treatments you’ll face, some of our most frequently implemented treatments include the likes of Satori Chair Therapy, NAD+ therapy, one-to-one therapy sessions with a trained therapist, group therapy sessions, low-level laser therapy, family drug support counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), stress management guidance, and so much more.
Once You Leave Our Facility, We Will Still Be Here For You!
Following your course of treatment, most of which typically last for twenty-eight days, you will then automatically be able to take advantage of our 12-month complimentary aftercare programme.
Returning home after a course of treatment at a residential rehab can throw up a lot of worries and anxieties in an individual, which is only natural and nothing to be ashamed of.
In order to help you through the transition back into everyday life, our aftercare programme will be there as a resource for you to use whenever you feel overwhelmed.
Furthermore, the relapse prevention training that you will go through during your stay with us will also work towards ensuring that you never fall back into old habits when feeling stressed or presented with old triggers.
The helplines and support networks that our aftercare programme opens up to you will likely be integral to your first few months back in your day-to-day life in your home environment.
By having a support network of people to share your experiences with, and take inspiration from, you will find ways to cope with everyday life post-rehab.
However, getting to a place of full recovery from addiction starts with you actually reaching out to us. So, reach out to our friendly, dedicated team of staff right away on 0800 012 6088 to start your journey.
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