By having found your way here, you have likely accepted that you may need professional help in battling addiction and you are making the first important steps on your journey — the next step is to contact us, and let us start helping you achieve long-lasting sobriety.
Drug addiction and alcohol addiction not only destroys the lives of countless people across the United Kingdom, and the rest of the world, on a yearly basis, but they also lead to families and communities being torn apart at the seams.
However, while the battle against addiction can be long and difficult for some people, at Addiction Advocates we are committed to helping each and every person struggling against drug and alcohol addiction to overcome their addiction that we can.
What Can I Expect From My Experience At Rehab?
For some people, the very prospect of attending rehab can be quite daunting, and some people can even find the idea of it as something to be ashamed of. However, this is completely unfounded, there is nothing about rehab that you should be worried or embarrassed about.
The process of getting help to overcome addiction and start living a healthier life in terms of forging healthier relationships as well as being physically and emotionally healthier, is nothing other than a profoundly noble goal.
Sure, the journey to recovery is not easy by any means, however, attending rehab at one of our state-of-the-art rehabilitation centres will likely provide you with a much better chance of achieving long-term recovery.
Overcoming addiction requires facing a lot of challenges, both physical and psychological, and the facilities and staff at our drug and alcohol rehab are designed and trained to make sure that you can face these challenges on the best possible footing.
One of the main hurdles that those overcoming addiction will likely face, is detoxification. And, this is the first stage where residential rehab will be massively beneficial over trying to overcome a substance abuse disorder on your own at home.
Detoxing At Our Detox Clinic Is Much Safer Than Battling Alone
Drug addiction and/or alcohol addiction can cause a wide array of long-term side effects to be wrought upon your body and mind. And, one experience which can specifically present a lot of very serious side effects can be the initial process of weaning yourself off the very substances which you have become addicted to.
As your body may have become dependent upon the presence of drugs or alcohol in your system, when these substances are slowly removed in the process of getting sober, many symptoms may present themselves such as dangerous blood pressure fluctuations, nausea, paranoia, hallucinations, delirium tremens and more alarming symptoms.
However, by experiencing drug or alcohol detox in one of our facilities, we will be able to have medical staff on hand to closely monitor you and your symptoms and provide medical assistance where necessary in order to make the process of withdrawal both safer and more comfortable for you.
Everyone can experience withdrawal symptoms differently, however, the potential for life-threatening symptoms to present themselves means that detoxing at home by simply going cold turkey should be done with extreme caution!
Professional medical advice should always be considered when detoxing, and this is something which we can provide in our rehabilitation centres.
Once we have helped you safely flush the harmful substances from your system, you will be in a much better position to begin your recovery and healthier life with the help of our rehabilitation therapies.
What Forms Of Therapy Will I Experience During My Time At Rehab?
We may employ a variety of therapy approaches during your time with us. We understand that every person suffering from a substance abuse disorder may be facing their own personal challenges, and so we may tailor your experience with us to best benefit you as an individual.
Furthermore, we also believe that it is not enough to simply heal your body by cleansing it of negative substances, but we also want to heal your mind.
Addiction is very complex, and for a lot of people, the development of their addiction stems from troubled emotions, memories, or experiences in a person’s past.
Therefore, different therapies will work together to both uncover the root cause of your addiction, teach you to confront it, and help you to think differently about addiction and the things which may cause you to experience addictive tendencies.
Specifically, the approaches to treatment that you may benefit from during your stay will include — but are far from limited to — the likes of:
Stress Relief & Meditation Classes — Stress and anxiety can be a major component in a person’s developments of a substance abuse disorder or alcohol abuse disorder, so we aim to teach meditative practices to avoid slipping back into cycles of addiction when confronted with stressful or anxiety-inducing situations.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) — CBT will help you to rethink the way that your brain approaches the problem of addiction, often by enabling you to better understand the feelings and emotions which are actually contributing to your tendencies to see addiction as a release.
One-To-One Therapy & Group Therapy — One-to-one therapy can be integral in overcoming addiction, as it can enable you and one of our trained therapists to root out what is the cause of your addiction, what it is that set you on this path — and by doing so, help you to conquer it. Furthermore, group therapy can be vital to recovery, as it can enable you to craft positive support groups which will keep you motivated on your road to recovery.
Contact Us Today To Find A Place In One Of Our Centres, And Start Winning The Battle Against Addiction
As mentioned earlier, accepting that you may need help can be one of the biggest hurdles for an addict to overcome, but by the fact that you are reading this, you are on the right path.
By contacting us today, we will be able to get you into one of our rehabilitation facilities and conquering your addiction in no time at all. Alternatively, if you are currently concerned about a friend or family member who is showing signs of addiction, then we have friend and family referral program may be what you require — in which case, contact us to find out more about how we can help you and your loved one.
You can call us on 0800 012 6088, Text HELP To 83222, or contact us via our website.
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