Regardless of what the underlying cause is for you having found yourself in this difficult situation, we will be able to help you uncover the root cause of your addiction and overcome it healthily and effectively.
Have you found yourself considering professional drug and alcohol treatment in the Solihull area?
Whether you have been struggling to combat drug addiction or alcohol addiction for a long time now or are just finding yourself having developed an addiction, Addiction Advocates’ drug and alcohol rehab in Solihull will be able to help you achieve an effective and long-term recovery.
Our dedicated team of staff are committed to helping each and every person who is battling drug and alcohol abuse to overcome their illness and start rebuilding a healthy lifestyle. If you wish for a more city based location, we also offer drug and alcohol rehab in Birmingham too.
A lot of people can have reservations about attending rehab; however, accepting that you may need help and allowing us to work with you to create a better life for you is nothing other than a brave and honourable decision.
Once you have attended our rehabilitation centre, you will see a massive improvement in your relationships with family and loved ones, better financial and employment prospects, and a healthier body and mind than you will ever have experienced before.
How Do You Know When You Need To Attend Rehab?
Accepting that you have a problem with addiction and acknowledging that you may need help in overcoming it is a huge step in the right direction when it comes to conquering drug addiction, alcohol addiction, or any addiction. Society, in particular the media, constantly stigmatises the concept of addiction.
However, addiction can and does affect more people than you may think from all walks of life each year. There is no shame in developing an addiction, and taking steps towards overcoming it is something to be applauded.
Due to the nature of addiction, a lot of people sadly do not seek the help that they need. When you are stuck in the cycle of addiction, your mental health can massively deteriorate, causing you to think that you are alone and that your addiction is something to be ashamed of — and, in this state, having that next drink or substance hit can be the only thing that can seem important, even more so than your friends, family, or health.
However, it is important to know that you are not alone, and that we are here to help you break this cycle of addiction and get you back to a place where your addiction is not influencing and negatively impacting your daily life.
While it may seem like there is no way out of your current situation, we can promise you that there is, and that we can help facilitate this in a healthy, safe, and positive manner.
What Choices Are On Offer When It Comes To Drug And Alcohol Rehab?
Chances are that if you have found your way here, then you have seen that there can be a somewhat overwhelming array of treatment options available when it comes to drug and alcohol treatment.
And, while the NHS may be able to provide some assistance in terms of rehabilitation, the downside can be the profoundly long waiting times and the potentially restricted ranges of services.
Our private residential rehab removes these concerns. However, there may still become concerns that you have such as, what specific services will be provided at your rehab, what are the facilities like, and what is the cost.
Well, at Addiction Advocates, we want to make sure that every individual gets the help that fits your specific needs and wants. For this reason, we will offer a specific combination of treatment approaches that are dependent on your situation and the considerations of our high-trained medical staff.
Furthermore, in terms of accessing one of our facilities and payment, when you contact us one of our dedicated staff members will take note of your current situation and we will work together to find a facility and price that suits you.
What Specific Treatments Will You Benefit From At Our Rehabilitation Centre?
Across our drug and alcohol rehab facilities, we employ a wide array of techniques for healing both your body and mind. By treating the physical and psychological symptoms of addiction, we can not only make your body healthy, but treat the root psychological causes and develop a long-lasting recovery. Our therapies may include:
Detoxification at our Detox Clinic — Detoxing can be incredibly difficult and dangerous when done at home by simply going cold turkey. However, our detox clinic will help you to flush negative substances from your body safely and in relative comfort!
One-to-one therapy sessions — with a qualified psychologist who will help address the root causes of your addiction.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) — This therapy will allow you to recognise the causes of your addiction and teach you how to avoid falling back into the cycle of addiction in the future.
Relapse Prevention — This training will allow you to create and follow positive coping mechanisms which you can employ in your daily life which will help you to bypass relapse triggers.
Group Therapy — Group therapy sessions can allow you to create a powerful support network with other people facing similar struggles who are all unified by the goal of living a better life.
Stress Management — Unmanaged stress can lead to the development of addiction and unhealthy habits, so by managing your stress you can avoid such issues.
Art Therapy — Designed to help encourage you to express yourself and find alternative outlets for internalised emotions which may lead to addiction.
Aftercare Programs — We will work with you to help create a plan for once you have left us, and will provide resources and aid where necessary to make sure you keep sober.
For more details about any of these treatments, you can call us to ask about either our facilities, our treatments, or any questions that you may have at all about the rehab process. Also, if you are concerned about a friend or loved one, then we can offer help for someone else who may be struggling with addiction — simply as for our family and friend referral program.
Getting clean is not an easy process, but we can help make sure that you achieve the best possible recovery. Call us today on 0800 012 6088, Text HELP To 83222, or contact us via our website.
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