If you find yourself in the unfortunate position that requires you to seek treatment via a drug and alcohol rehab in Stafford yet have found it difficult to locate a suitable facility, we can assist you.
Determining If Rehab Treatment Is Required
If you have come to realise that you are consuming a larger volume of drugs or alcohol than usual and find that you turn to substances to help you deal with stressful periods, you may worry that your relationship with drugs or alcohol has become harmful. Yet you may still be unsure of whether rehab treatment is needed.
Regrettably, many individuals delay seeking treatment from a drug and alcohol rehab in Stafford as they remain unsure of whether they actually need to secure treatment. In other instances, treatment is frequently deferred as individuals do not believe an addiction is impairing their life.
Should you find yourself concerned about your relationship with substances, it may be worth asking yourself the following questions.
- Do I consume drugs or alcohol every day?
- Do I feel the need to consume drugs or alcohol every day?
- Do I crave substances when I am unable to consume them?
- Do I experience headaches or sickness when I do not consume substances?
- Do I experience mood swings, insomnia or anxiety after consuming substances?
- Do I consume substances to help me navigate difficult periods?
- Has anyone approached me to discuss my relationship with drugs or alcohol?
If you have said yes to any of the above questions, you may well require treatment for an addiction. With this in mind, we would advise you to contact our admissions team as soon as possible to ascertain whether addiction treatment is necessary.
Finding Appropriate Treatment
Across Stafford, drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities are readily available to provide you with the life-changing treatment you need to overcome your addiction.
However, locating a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Stafford is often easier said than done.
With this in mind, we have created a referral service that has helped many individuals seek treatment and reclaim their life.
Whether you have become addicted to alcohol or drugs such as cocaine, heroin or cannabis, we are confident that we can assist you as you search for a drug and alcohol rehab in Stafford.
Commencing Treatment At A Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Stafford
Upon locating appropriate treatment, the next step in your road to recovery will see you invited to commence treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Stafford.
As this is somewhat noteworthy, it is entirely normal for you to experience a wealth of emotions as you step into the rehab you attend. However, recovery specialists, psychologists and doctors will all be on hand to welcome you and ensure that you settle in.
As you make yourself at home, you will be required to complete an admissions assessment and health evaluation. Although this may leave you feeling anxious, please do not worry.
This health evaluation and assessment will allow a medical team to review your physical and psychological health at your chosen rehab. In turn, they will be able to determine which treatment you need to beat your addiction.
Upon determining the treatment you require, recovery specialists will sit with you to discuss the treatment that will be administered during your time in rehab.
Not only will this help you understand the treatment that you will undergo, but it will give you the chance to ask any questions and ensure that you are happy with what medical professionals have recommended.
If you are happy to go ahead and start treatment, you will first experience a medically induced detoxification. Following detoxification, you will encounter therapy and rehabilitation.
Committing To A Long-Term Recovery
Contrary to belief, recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction is not easy. In fact, overcoming an addiction is a lifelong process that takes time, patience and dedication.
Although attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Stafford will essentially help you conquer the factors that have caused your addiction to arise and will see you withdraw from substances, you must be committed to securing a long-term recovery.
This is because as you complete your time in rehab and return home, you will need to continue to devote your time to recovering from your addiction.
If you are unable or unwilling to commit your time to securing a long-term recovery, you will be at greater risk of relapse. For this reason, you must be certain that you are ready to overcome your addiction once and for all.
Take The First Step In Overcoming Your Addiction Today
If you genuinely believe that you are ready to overcome your addiction, put your substance abuse behind you and commit to a long-term recovery, we can help you take the first step in recovering from your addiction.
When you are ready to do so, we would encourage you to contact our admissions team by calling 0800 012 6088. Upon doing so, our admissions team will initiate the admissions process, which will require you to complete a pre-admissions assessment.
This assessment will enable you to seek guidance and advice from our team. It will also ensure that you have the opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of the treatment available to you via various drug and alcohol rehabs in Stafford.
As you come to understand the facilities that can cater to your addiction recovery needs, our admissions team will talk you through your options to guarantee that you attend a suitable rehab.
Although we know that referring yourself to a drug and alcohol rehab will feel somewhat intimidating, with our support, you will soon feel ready to defeat your addiction.
Call Us Today
To refer yourself to a drug and alcohol rehab in Stafford, please call us today on 0800 012 6088.
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