A staggering 5,460 deaths have been registered with alcohol abuse cited as the direct cause– the highest number since records began.

These figures are bleak, and they represent a worrying problem. Addictions to drugs and alcohol often begin as the result of trauma or stress, as people drink and use as a distraction or coping mechanism.

It can be surprisingly difficult to spot when casual use becomes a more worrying problem, especially if the change is slow and gradual, but substance misuse is a very slippery slope that can begin to snowball.

The more you drink, the more you take, the stronger the compulsion to continue becomes. It is an extremely self-destructive cycle, one that can seem almost impossible to escape from alone.

If you find yourself suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction, it is important that you receive the right help. It is hard to overcome a substance dependency alone, and most attempts unfortunately end in failure.

Without the right guidance, going cold turkey often leads to severe, potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms that force the victim right back into use. When this happens, the frequency and severity of the abuse actually tends to peak, making the problem even worse.

There is still a lot of misinformation about addiction in our society, and harmful stigmas remain attached to the issue, but there should be absolutely no shame in admitting that you suffer from this terrible disease and seeking help for it.

Private drug and alcohol rehab has been shown to be the single most efficient method for overcoming substance dependencies, with success rates at most facilities sitting over 90%.

Clinical detoxification, overseen by a dedicated team of medical and psychological professionals, makes it far easier and safer to flush the toxic substances out of your body, and the inpatient nature of residential rehab removes the unnecessary and harmful stress of having to book and manage recurring appointments.


How can Addiction Advocates help me?

At Addiction Advocates we are dedicated to helping sufferers of alcohol and drug addiction find the rehabilitation programme that works best for them. Recovery is not a straightforward path, and there are many different routes that can be taken.

Addiction is intrinsically linked to issues of mental health, and so treatment must take this into account. In many cases substance abuse is a symptom of poor mental health, and once established the addiction feeds into and makes the mental health problems worse.

It can also work the other way, with addiction exacerbating pre-existing psychological issues or even bringing them on. It is known as dual diagnosis when addiction co-exists with such issues of poor mental health and depression.

It is vitally important, therefore, to apply a comprehensive, holistic approach to drug and alcohol rehab. The specific approach taken will vary significantly depending on your unique circumstances and the wider problems that you are dealing with.

The prospect of going to rehab is daunting enough without you having to worry about whether the facility and programme you pick will actually do you any good. If you contact Addiction Advocates, our specialised team of advisors will refer you to a facility with a programme of therapies that is perfectly suited to fulfil your individual needs.


Holistic Treatment Programmes

The most common treatment offered to sufferers of addiction is CBT, or cognitive behavioural therapy. CBT is a type of talking therapy that is utilised in the treatment of depression and anxiety, but as these mental health conditions often come hand in hand with substance abuse it is also a very useful tool in the treatment of addiction.

The purpose of CBT is to encourage patients to positively alter the way in which they approach stress and problems in their life, serving as a reliable method of relapse prevention. Often, sufferers turn to drugs and alcohol in order to help them cope with overwhelming issues.

This kind of therapy will enable you to compartmentalise these problems, breaking them down into smaller, more easily approachable parts. Once broken down in this way, previously overwhelming problems will be far less likely to trigger a downward spiral.

As well as CBT, alcohol and drug rehab centres also often offer courses of counselling or motivational interviewing. Treatments like this- which can take place one on one with a counsellor or as part of a group- encourage you to explore the root causes and triggers of your addiction, as well as encouraging you to take the lead in your own recovery.

Not only do sessions of this kind of treatment allow for introspection and self-understanding, they are also incredibly helpful tools for building motivation. Once you fully understand why and how you fell into dependency, it becomes that much easier to break out of the cycle.

Most treatment programmes also include alternative therapies that supplement talking treatments like those above. Examples of these ‘alternative therapies’ include options such as art therapy, courses in mindfulness, and more recreational treatments like yoga and meditation.

These treatments are meant to help patients to express themselves, and make it feel easier and more natural to engage with the more intensive treatments like CBT.

It may seem a little surprising, but when utilised in tandem with talking therapies these holistic exercises can be incredibly beneficial to your overall recovery.


Take the First Step

The road to recovery can be long and hard, but in the end there is nothing stopping you from returning to a sober and healthy life. With the right support and guidance, anything is possible- no matter how difficult it may seem right now.

All it takes is that very first step. Contact Addiction Advocates today, and our team will find a course of drug and alcohol rehab treatments that will work for you. You have nothing to lose by reaching out, and there is everything to be gained.


