Physical and psychological dependence on any substance, whether it is alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs, can be hugely damaging to both the individual concerned, their loved ones and other people around them.
Drug and alcohol misuse has a big cost to wider society in terms of crime, anti-social behaviour and putting additional strain on the NHS.
According to charity Alcohol Change there are an estimated 587,000 dependent drinkers in the UK and far more problem and binge drinkers who are not necessarily classed as dependent. Of these dependent drinkers, fewer than a fifth (18%) are receiving any sort of treatment.
Not everyone who uses drugs is dependent on them, but substance misuse is a slippery slope and addiction can creep up.
It can also be extremely difficult to face without expert help, which is why drug and alcohol rehab in Swale or further afield can be so important.
The Dangers of Alcohol and Drug Addiction
Left unchecked, an addiction can wreak havoc on all aspects of your life. As noted the impact on wider society can be considerable but behind every drug and alcoholic statistic is an individual, with their own challenges and circumstances.
Drug and alcohol addiction – and the corresponding substance misuse – can have a massive impact on a person’s physical and psychological health. Alcohol Change says that alcohol misuse is the single biggest risk factor for ill-health, disability and death amongst 16-59-year-olds.
Illegal drugs affect fewer people, largely because they are not as accessible or socially acceptable as alcohol, but for the individuals involved they can be every bit as destructive and often even more so.
Drug overdose and alcohol poisoning are a constant risk and could lead to death or permanent disability, but there are plenty of other risks to your physical and psychological well-being. Depending on the type of substance involved you could be at risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, liver and other organ damage and many different kinds of infection.
Substance misuse can also cause or contribute to a range of mental health issues. The relationship between addiction, substance misuse and mental health can be very complex, with each affecting the other to various degrees.
Some rehab centres will treat both things at once, an approach often known as dual diagnosis.
As well as the dangers to the individual’s health, addiction can also wreck relationships, tear families apart and destroy friendships, as these problems often go hand in hand with deceptive and destructive behaviour.
Addiction can also impact work, education and every other aspect of your life, as the cravings and need for more and more alcohol and drugs take over.
What’s more, the addiction itself will usually just get worse and worse over time. This is why it is always best to seek help as soon as possible, whether you end up going to an alcohol and drug rehab or some other treatment might be a better fit for you.
Alternatives to Residential Rehab Treatment
It is possible to seek treatment for an addiction without checking into rehab on a full-time basis. There are NHS programmes available, for example, but these are overwhelmingly delivered on an outpatient basis.
This means you will have to manage and attend appointments, which may be held in a variety of locations – not always easy to do if you are dealing when dealing with the challenges of addiction.
You will also be in your usual environment, surrounded by the people, places and triggers associated with your usual drinking or drug use. You will also have to manage your own detoxification, which generally brings withdrawal symptoms of various kinds and can be both difficult and dangerous.
Finally, while the NHS is wonderful for all sorts of reasons, it is often stretched for resources in this area and there may be long waiting times involved.
What to expect from Rehab UK
Residential rehabilitation programmes take you out of that usual environment and place you in a safe and tranquil setting where you are able to really concentrate on beating your addiction and getting well.
This will generally involve a supervised detox process with help to manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
These can vary widely depending on the individual, the length and heaviness of usage and the type of substance involved. Alcohol addiction can lead to serious physical withdrawal symptoms, for example, including nausea, fever, high blood pressure and even seizures.
Withdrawing from cocaine addiction, meanwhile, is more likely to involve only psychological symptoms, but these can be just as difficult to overcome.
There will also be a structured programme of addiction treatment and therapies aimed at helping you to tackle your addiction by examining the root causes behind it and changing the way you think and behave when it comes to drugs and alcohol.
This could include techniques such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), group therapy, individual counselling and psychotherapy and motivational therapy.
You might also work on relaxation and stress relief through techniques such as meditation and mindfulness and complimentary therapies such as art and music therapies.
There may be workshops on nutrition and health, with the overall aim being to give you the knowledge and tools you need to stay clean and sober once you leave the facility. A comprehensive aftercare service can also help you to avoid relapse by providing you with vital support when you need it.
How to find the Right Rehab near me
If you’ve decided that rehab is the right choice for you, it’s important not to find just any rehab but the right one for you.
We can help you to go over the options to find the right drug and alcohol rehab in Swale or further afield. Call now in complete confidence and take the first step towards taking back control of your life.
- [1] According to charity Alcohol Change there are an estimated 587,000 dependent drinkers in the UK and far more problem and binge drinkers who are not necessarily classed as dependent -
- [2] An estimated 3.2 million people aged 16 to 59 had used drugs in the previous year according to the latest Crime Survey for England and Wales -
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