Alcohol, prescription drugs and illicit substances are all addictive and are all impactful on the body and brain. Through abusing drugs or alcohol, addiction risks are high, causing physical and psychological changes.
Reducing the risk of addiction and/or treating an existing addiction is possible, by working through a wide range of therapeutic techniques and rehabilitation efforts. Long-term planning, behavioural changes and relapse prevention are all also important commitments, to reduce the recurrent nature of addiction.
Through drug and alcohol rehab, effective addiction treatment and detoxification plans can be accessed. Rehab programmes are designed and used to diagnose, understand, treat, and manage addiction, which are available in personalised forms here at Addiction Advocates.
Get In Touch
Are you suffering from Addiction and need help? Addiction Advocates are leading UK based experts in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today.
By finding and checking into a private drug and alcohol rehab in Wallasey, you can experience the care and quality of our network. Reach out for advice whilst considering and beginning drug and alcohol rehab. We’re here to support you through addiction recovery, accessible on 0800 012 6088.
Signs and Symptoms of an Addiction
The early warning signs of an addiction can be easily missed if you do not have experience dealing with them. As a result, a lot of dangerous behaviour can be dismissed as it is inconvenient to notice, or you simply can’t take note of what is happening to you.
Whatever the reason is, there are some early warning signs you can be on the lookout for to tell you when you are developing an addiction. If action is taken soon enough, you can save yourself a lot of trouble in the future.
The signs of being on the lookout for are:
- A higher tolerance. When your tolerance increases, it is not a sign that you can use more drugs or alcohol without risk, as they don’t affect you as much. Instead, it is a sign that your body is getting used to the drugs or alcohol in your system and building a dependence on them.
- Risky behaviour. When you are willing to put yourself or your loved ones at risk due to the influence of drugs or alcohol, it is a sign that you are taking things too far. Drugs and alcohol can inhibit your inhibitions and lead you to do things you may never normally do. You may also find yourself putting yourself and others you care about in danger by getting drugs or alcohol.
- Mental health problems. You may find yourself starting to experience mental health problems when you are not using drugs or alcohol. The exact type of mental health problem depends on the substance you abuse. Still, for example, if you drink heavily, you may feel anxious or depressed when you go too long without a drink.
- Skipping planned activities. Be it from choosing to skip because you would prefer to be using drugs or alcohol or because you are drunk or high or hungover. Missing out on events important to you because you prioritised your substance abuse is a clear sign of addiction.
- A family history of addiction. Addiction has a genetic component that can cause it to be easier for you to develop an addiction if family members have also suffered from addiction. Suppose you were also exposed to drug or alcohol abuse from a young age. In that case, this could have normalised the behaviour and made it more difficult for you to notice the early warning signs of your own addiction.
The symptoms of addiction tend to differ from person to person and depend on the exact drug or alcohol you are abusing.
However, some symptoms can indicate an addiction in the case of some drugs, such as heroin or alcohol addiction. These symptoms are known as withdrawal symptoms, and you will begin to experience them if you go too long without any drugs or alcohol.
You experience withdrawal symptoms because your body has become dependent on drugs or alcohol and believes it is now chemically necessary for your body to continue to function. So, in a way, the withdrawal symptoms result from your body panicking.
Withdrawal symptoms can be very dangerous, so if you are to experience any of these symptoms after going an extended period of time without drugs or alcohol, then please make your way to a medical facility as soon as possible.
The withdrawal symptoms can include:
- Headache
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Fever
- Dehydration
- Mood swings
- Irritation
- Hot flashes
- Chills
- Hives
- Goosebumps
- Diarrhoea
- Hallucinations
- Seizure
How Long is Rehab?
The exact amount of time you stay in a drug and alcohol rehab centre in the Wallasey area depends on your specific wants and needs.
Some people would prefer not to stay in the drug and alcohol rehab centre at all and prefer at-home treatments such as an at-home detox.
You also have residential treatment options that work for different time frames. For example, if you just wanted to stay in the drug and alcohol rehab centre for the detox process, you would find yourself staying for a minimum of ten days as that is how long it takes to wean your body off all drugs and alcohol.
However, for the full rehab experience, you may find yourself staying for anywhere from 28 to 30 days.
It is important to remember that the recovery process doesn’t end with your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab centre. Addiction is a chronic condition that you will have to continue to manage for years to live a happy and healthy life.
That is why most drug and alcohol rehab centres offer aftercare services that can carry on after you have left the care of the facility. These aftercare services can last as little as a month or be continued to use for years when you need them.
They could be in the form of continued therapy or local support groups in the Wallasey area.
What are the 12 Steps of Recovery?
The 12 steps of recovery are a series of steps made by support groups such as alcoholics anonymous and narcotics anonymous. They are:
- Admit you are powerless over drugs and alcohol, and drug and alcohol abuse.
- Acknowledge that there is a greater power that can help you take back control of your life.
- Decide to put your life in the hands of God to help you.
- Take inventory of yourself.
- Admit to any of your wrongdoings.
- Be ready for God to remove these shortcomings.
- Ask for God to remove these shortcomings.
- Make a list of all personal harm done to others and prepare to make amends.
- Make amends where you can but never put yourself or others at risk to do so.
- Continue with your self-reflection and be ready to admit to new wrongdoings when they happen.
- Meditate and pray to ask God to continue to help you.
- Have a spiritual awakening that will empower you through your long-term recovery journey.
Is it Safe to Detox at Home?
As part of detox is experiencing the withdrawal symptoms, it is not recommended that you attempt it alone and without medical supervision.
However, an at-home detox through a drug and alcohol rehab centre is perfectly safe. This is because you will be monitored remotely and still be provided with all the care you need.
Some people prefer an at-home detox as it allows them to remain in a more comfortable environment that they are familiar with.
Finding a Centre Near you
At Addiction Advocates, we want to help you find the perfect drug and alcohol rehab centre that will help you along your journey to long-term recovery.
To talk to a member of our team, simply call 0800 012 6088 or text HELP To 83222 or head over to our admissions page for more information.
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