Alcohol, prescription drugs and illicit substances are all addictive and are all impactful on the body and brain. Through abusing drugs or alcohol, addiction risks are high, causing physical and psychological changes.
Reducing the risk of addiction and/or treating an existing addiction is possible, by working through a wide range of therapeutic techniques and rehabilitation efforts. Long-term planning, behavioural changes and relapse prevention are all also important commitments, to reduce the recurrent nature of addiction.
Through drug and alcohol rehab, effective addiction treatment and detoxification plans can be accessed. Rehab programmes are designed and used to diagnose, understand, treat, and manage addiction, which are available in personalised forms here at Addiction Advocates.
Get In Touch
Are you suffering from Addiction and need help? Addiction Advocates are leading UK based experts in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today.
By finding and checking into a private drug and alcohol rehab in Whitley Bay, you can experience the care and quality of our network. Reach out for advice whilst considering and beginning drug and alcohol rehab. We’re here to support you through addiction recovery, accessible on 0800 012 6088.
What are the Signs of Addiction?
If you are not aware of the signs of addiction, you could easily miss early warning signs that could help you put a stop to things before they go too far.
Addiction is not something that just happens overnight. However, it takes different amounts of time for different people to develop a full-blown addiction from their substance abuse.
Some factors can lead to you being more at risk of developing an addiction than others. You should read the following list carefully and think about if anything applies to you.
- You were exposed to addiction from a young age. This can normalise substance abuse and cause you to be more likely to use drugs or alcohol as a way to deal with stress or triggering events.
- There is a history of addiction in your family. There has been found to be a genetic link between people and addiction. It is believed that the most likely cause is a genetic dopamine deficiency being passed down in your family. As substance abuse produces a rush of dopamine, it is easier for your brain to become reliant on drugs or alcohol to produce the much-needed dopamine.
- You have a history of mental illness. Mental illness, especially undiagnosed mental illness, is the leading cause of addiction. Many people living with mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, Insomnia or bipolar disorder use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate and keep their mood level.
Early warning signs of a developing addiction can include:
- Building up a tolerance. If it takes more drugs or alcohol in order to get the same rush as when you first tried it, then it means that your body is getting used to it being in your system. A higher tolerance can be dangerous as, over time, you need more and more drugs or alcohol in order to get the same effect which can easily lead to an overdose if you are not careful.
- Feeling the need to hide your substance abuse. If you feel as though you need to hide the face, you use drugs or alcohol or even hide the amount you use them, then you know there is something not right. Especially if the people you are hiding from are your friends or family who will want you to stop in the name of your health.
- Missing events because of drugs or alcohol. Choosing to skip fun activities or social events in favour of isolating yourself and abusing drugs or alcohol can show the mental effects substance abuse can have on you. Also, consider if you are missing events you were looking forward to because you were either high, drunk or too hungover.
- Substance abuse is affecting your job performance and putting yourself at risk of being fired. Be it because you are distracted by your cravings or because you are attempting to work while under the influence of either drugs or alcohol doesn’t matter. When you are putting your likelihood in danger in the name of addiction, you need to step back and examine your actions.
- You put yourself in harm’s way to get drugs or alcohol.
- You put yourself in danger while under the effects of drugs or alcohol.
However, a definitive sign of an addiction is if you experience withdrawal symptoms if you go too long without any drugs or alcohol.
Withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous, so if you begin to experience any of the following symptoms, please make your way to a medical facility as soon as possible.
- Migraine
- Insomnia
- Hives
- Chills
- Goosebumps
- Hot flashes
- Irritability
- Mood swings
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Fever
- Dehydration
- Delirium
- Hallucinations
- Seizure
Are you Ready for Rehab?
The decision to get help from a drug and alcohol rehab centre is never an easy one. However, it means that you are ready for a big chance that will alter the rest of your life. We understand it can be scary, but you know that it is for the best because that is why you are here.
One of the simplest tricks to use to see if you are ready for a drug and alcohol rehab centre in the Whitley Bay area is that you are thinking about if you need rehab or not. In most cases, when a person is wondering if they need help, the answer is yes, they do.
Getting yourself ready for rehab can seem difficult. But we promise you the process is much simpler than it first appears.
At Addiction Advocates, we pride ourselves on our customer service and on ensuring that you feel ready to take the big brave step into a better future. Simply go to our admissions page, and you will see that it is easier than you think.
There are some simple questions you can ask yourself about rehab to be sure you are ready.
- Do you want to live a happier and healthier life?
- Do you want to start to build better interpersonal relationships with your loved ones?
- Do you want to make a change in your life to improve your physical and mental health?
- Do you want to reduce or stop the number of drugs or alcohol you regularly use?
- Do you need help?
We want to help you on your journey. We just need you to let us.
If you feel as though you are unable to currently receive rehabilitation services due to a dangerous home environment such as domestic abuse, please contact us. We will be able to support you throughout your recovery and get you the help you need.
Choosing the Right Centre
At Addiction Advocate, we can help you choose the right drug and alcohol rehab centre in the Whitley Bay area.
We have years of experience helping people with their journey to long-term recovery, and with us, we will help you too.
You must understand your specific needs to choose the right drug or alcohol rehab centre. For example, some people have a job they can’t take time away from, so they may prefer an outpatient facility.
While other people may need a greater focus on their mental health, so need a facility that can provide more intensive therapy and mental health treatment.
Whatever it is you need, we will help you figure it out and then find you a drug and alcohol rehab centre that provides the individual care you need.
12 Step Programmes
The 12-step program involves:
- Admit you are powerless over alcohol and alcohol abuse.
- Acknowledge that there is a greater power that can help you take back control.
- Decide to turn your power over to God and be put in their care.
- Take a personal and serious moral inventory of yourself.
- Admit to any of your wrongdoings.
- Be ready for God to remove these shortcomings.
- Ask for God to remove these shortcomings.
- Make a list of all personal harm done to others and prepare to make amends.
- Make amends where you can but never put yourself or others at risk to do so.
- Continue with your self-reflection and be ready to admit to new wrongdoings when they happen.
- Meditate and pray to ask God to continue to help you.
- Have a spiritual awakening that will empower you through your long-term recovery journey.
This is a standard part of support groups such as alcoholics anonymous and narcotics anonymous. They will be able to help you, and in turn, you will also be able to help others with their struggles with addiction.
The 12-step program is best incorporated alongside treatment in a drug and alcohol rehab centre.
Admissions and Getting in Touch
You can call us at 0800 012 6088 or text HELP To 83222. You could also go over to our contact page for an alternative way to contact us.
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