One of the very first steps of drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation, and arguably one of the most important steps, is coming to terms with the acceptance that you have a problem. For the majority of individuals, this can be the most difficult step as it can cause people to feel a sense of shame.
When you are stuck in the cycle of addiction, your addiction propagates these feelings of shame which causes you to remain within the cycle.
However, there is no shame in having developed a substance abuse disorder and/or alcohol abuse disorder. Addiction is a form of mental illness, something which anyone can manifest at any point in their life, and it is not something to be embarrassed about.
However, what is vitally important is that you start getting professional help in overcoming this affliction.
Here at Addiction Advocates’ drug and alcohol rehab in Woodley, we are 100% committed to making sure that we offer people the very best quality care in order that they have the highest chance of successfully recovering for the long term.
Regardless of whether you have only recently become concerned about your relationship with prescription medication, narcotics, or alcohol or whether you have been suffering from an addictive disorder for a long time now, Addiction Advocates can, and will, do our very best to get your life back on track.
Alternatively, if the reason that you have found your way to our website is that you are getting increasingly concerned about the substance misuse of a colleague, friend, or loved one, then simply call our helpline on 0800 012 6088 and enquire about our family and friend referral options.
We can help you to organise the most effective intervention and also get your loved ones on the addiction treatment that desperately needs.
How Long Can It Take For A Person To Overcome Drug And Alcohol Abuse With Our Help?
Trying to ascertain how long the duration of a person’s treatment will last can largely depend upon the circumstances that the individual is facing when they enter our drug and alcohol services.
However, most commonly the people that we treat will experience a 28-day course of treatment under our care at our facilities.
Although, the process of overcoming a longstanding addiction can take longer than simply the duration of your stay with us.
Due to the fact that relapse may always be a possibility, our facilities also make sure that your progress is monitored over the course of a complimentary one-year aftercare programme.
Furthermore, a lot of your treatments will be focused on building a relapse prevention plan. This approach to treatment is particularly useful as it not only helps you to deal with the immediate issues of your addiction but also enables you to start building a long-term existence free from drugs and/or alcohol.
Also, the fact that we are helping you to forge such serious, long-term sobriety means that you must be completely committed to the idea of recovery — and, in turn, prepared to make some very difficult changes to your everyday life that will facilitate this new, healthier existence.
How To Set The Wheels In Motion On Getting Treatment With Us
If you are really ready to make the necessary commitment to overcoming your addiction then you simply need to call Addiction Advocates’ helpline on 0800 012 6088.
The fact that you have read this far suggests that you are at this place, and so you should not delay any longer in getting professional treatment.
The ramifications of long-term substance misuse and/or alcoholism on your body and mind can be incredibly disastrous, so we urge you to delay no longer in making the decision to accept the help of a professional drug and alcohol treatment centre before it is too late.
Once you make the life-altering decision to reach out to us, our helping assistants will talk you through a brief series of questions that will compose our “pre-admission interview.”
The answers that you provide us with will be treated with the utmost discretion, with the necessary information being passed on to our addiction specialists who will draft up a recovery plan that has you at the heart of it.
No case of treating an addictive disorder is like another, as each and every person suffering from addiction is battling their own inner demons which have caused them to end up where they are.
Therefore, a treatment plan which actually takes into consideration these specific conditions is, for us, a must when it comes to successfully treating addiction — and this has proven a very successful method thus far.
We appreciate that making the decision to reach out to us can be very difficult, but only you can make the decision to start overcoming your addiction, and once you make that call we will be with you every step of the way.
Our Staff Are Highly Trained In Administering Various Treatments And Therapies
While private residential rehab may cost slightly more than alternative addiction treatment options, you will benefit from much more personalised and professional care during the course of your addiction treatment with us.
We implement a mixture of physical and psychological treatments in order to form a holistic approach to addiction therapy.
You will initially start off by undergoing a course of physiological detoxification therapy, during which you will be medically assessed and assisted through the withdrawal period.
Due to the dangerous nature of detoxing alone, we strongly recommend you choose to let us help you through this.
Following on from your intense treatment at our detox clinic, our therapists can start to help you to unpack the building blocks of your addiction — and, by doing so, allow you to better understand your addiction with a view to overcoming it for the long term.
Some of the treatments that will help you through this include the likes of dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), stress counselling, grief therapy, meditative coaching, one-to-one therapy, group support therapy, dual-diagnosis treatment, and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).
So, if you’re prepared to start making the necessary commitment to a recovery plan that works around your needs, then call Addiction Advocates on 0800 012 6088.
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