What Does Cocaine Do to Your Nose?
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that is recreationally used for its euphoric effects. However, while it might offer immediate pleasurable sensations, few users are aware of the serious damage that can be caused to the nasal passages, especially when the drug is snorted. In this article, we’ll be looking
Are Nightcaps Healthy?
You’ve probably heard of the term ‘nightcap’. In drinking terms, it’s up there with ‘one for the road’ and ‘hair of the dog’. But what exactly is a nightcap, and are nightcaps healthy? We’ll look at the evidence in this article. What Is a Nightcap? In certain contexts, a nightcap
How to Overcome the Guilt of Relapse
Recovering from any kind of addiction or substance misuse is an ongoing process. A relapse refers to a return to drugs, alcohol or destructive patterns of behaviour in the case of behavioural addictions such as gambling. A relapse can feel like a big setback. But it certainly does not have
What Is the Drug Librium?
You might have heard of or encountered a drug generally known as Librium. It can be used to treat conditions including anxiety and alcohol dependency but can be addictive itself and potentially dangerous if misused. But what exactly is Librium, and what are the risks involved? What is Librium? Librium