Tips To Protect Your Mental Health In Recovery
Addiction recovery often focuses on physical health, well-being, and what someone does day-to-day. People also tend to measure success by how someone looks on the outside, how many sober days they’ve had, or how far they seem from drugs or alcohol. And, although staying physically healthy is (of course) important,
Why Do People Do Dry January?
Why do people do dry January? The simple answer is that many people look to make changes with the new year, and one of the ways they can do this is by taking a look at their own drinking habits. However, there’s much more of an answer to this question
Holiday Stress Triggers: How To Remain Sober During The Festive Period
For many, the festive season is a time of joy, connection, and celebration. Families and friends gather together, whether it’s to share a meal, exchange gifts, or enjoy each other’s company. The season is often associated with happiness and warmth, providing a welcome break from the stresses of everyday life.
Can You Become Addicted to Codeine?
Yes, you can become addicted to Codine if you overuse this prescription drug. Codeine is one of the most commonly prescribed pain medications in the UK, and it’s usually for treating mild to moderate pain. It is often found in combination medicines like co-codamol (which is codeine and paracetamol) and