Nutrition and Recovery

Nutrition and Recovery

Published 5 February 2021 , in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehab

For the average person, a good balanced diet is very important to maintain optimal functionality and health, on both physical and psychological levels. Down to this, it’s easy to see how important nutrition is when working against abnormal functionality, linked to illness, rehabilitation and addiction recovery. Understandably, for those living

Drinking and anxiety – Impact of Covid-19

Drinking and anxiety – Impact of Covid-19

Published 29 January 2021

As the UK once again experiences lockdown measures being implemented, and with it appearing to be quite a while before these stay-at-home orders are reversed, a lot of people’s mental health has been negatively impacted of late. Not being able to socialise, see friends and/or loved ones, or engage in

Mixing Antibiotics and Alcohol: What Are The Dangers?

Mixing Antibiotics and Alcohol: What Are The Dangers?

Published 22 January 2021 , in Alcohol Addiction

Across the world, antibiotics are prescribed every single day to treat various health problems. Although medical professionals advise against consuming alcohol when taking a course of antibiotics, individuals frequently choose to go against this. Should you find yourself asking what are the dangers of mixing antibiotics and alcohol, you have

Mental Health Tips To Ease The Strain Of Lockdown

Mental Health Tips To Ease The Strain Of Lockdown

Published 8 January 2021 , in Mental Health Rehab & Treatment

For almost 12-months, the United Kingdom has been faced with multiple lockdowns and various restrictions in a bid to combat COVID-19. While highly beneficial, it goes without saying that the Great British public’s mental health has undoubtedly felt the ramifications of the restrictions that have been put into place. In