Holiday Stress Triggers – How To Remain Sober During The Festive Period

Holiday Stress Triggers – How To Remain Sober During The Festive Period

Published 18 December 2020 , in Alcohol Addiction

As we approach the upcoming festive period, families, friends and loved ones will unite and celebrate, leaving any worries and stress they may face in their everyday routine behind for a short period of time. People across the world will find themselves filled with joy, happiness and warmth and will

Ways to Help Support Those Fighting Addiction

Ways to Help Support Those Fighting Addiction

Published 11 December 2020 , in Addiction Treatments

Witnessing someone you care about, deteriorate through substance abuse can be extremely challenging. You’ll almost feel like you’re enabling drug and alcohol consumption. There are significant strains linked to this encounter, which can also impact your relationship, along with carrying the common negative associations of addiction. Through watching the damaging

The Addiction Cycle

The Addiction Cycle

Published 4 December 2020

To onlookers, an addiction is perceived as a static behaviour, as a choice, as a constant decision to enable drug and alcohol abuse. Yet, in reality, the addiction cycle exists, moving addicts in and out of a state of consumption, of side effects, of cravings, of addictive behaviours, and of

Physical vs Psychological Addiction: What Is the Difference?

Physical vs Psychological Addiction: What Is the Difference?

Published 27 November 2020 , in Addiction Treatments

There are many misconceptions out there regarding addiction. One of which is that an addiction is a standalone physical illness which materialises from a conscious action. However, while the action which fuels an addiction does begin on a physical basis, it is in fact an illness which causes physical and