Are Alcohol Blackouts Normal?
This article explores a topic that raises concerns and questions for many – alcohol blackouts. Are they really a normal part of drinking, or are they a sign of something more serious? Keep reading to find out more. What are Alcohol Blackouts? An alcohol blackout is a temporary condition that
The Link Between Alcohol and Appetite Loss
Alcohol addiction can do nearly endless damage to a person’s life. It causes mental and physical health problems, causes relationships to break down and can cost a person their livelihood. There is also a lot of talk about how drunk people eat a lot and that those who live with
Our Advice: Staging an Intervention for Addiction
Staging an intervention can be a difficult thing to do, especially as the hallmark of addiction is a tendency towards denial and defensiveness. The person with the addiction will often downplay the extent of their drinking or drug use, or deny that they have a problem at all. This may
Is Ozempic Addictive?
Obesity is a continuing problem in this country. Quick access to processed foods, lack of physical activity and poverty are reasons why people being overweight have become one of the biggest health issues facing our society. In the latest government report, it was estimated that 63.8% of adults are overweight